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Category: Pilgrimage of Resurrection through Creative Practice


Love as a Holy Direction – Pilgrimage of Resurrection through Creative Practice (a love note)

This is the sixth in a series of eight reflections over the season of Easter on making a pilgrimage of resurrection.  Word for Today: Love In the gospel reading for the sixth Sunday, Jesus invites us to abide in love. Certainly this is a process, a pilgrimage journey toward the resurrection gift of love. Think of all of the love songs, movies about love, poems about love, romance novels, paintings of love, and other expressions of what love is. In many ways love is the primal force behind our creative expression. We create art to understand more deeply what it means to

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May 9: Resilience – Pilgrimage of Resurrection
A Creative Journey through the Easter Season

Word for Today: Resilience By staying present to the discomfort of life we grow in our resilience and our ability to recover from the deep wounds that life will offer us. —Christine Valters Paintner, The Soul of a Pilgrim: Eight Practices for the Journey Within Reflective Question: Can you embrace all the vulnerable places inside yourself, and in the process grow in compassion for both yourself and others?     Next steps: Let the word, quote, and question inspire your creative practice (Download the list of daily words here.) Use the hashtag  #soulofapilgrim when sharing on social media. Join the Holy Disorder of Dancing Monks Facebook group to

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May 8: Monk – Pilgrimage of Resurrection
A Creative Journey through the Easter Season

Word for Today: Monk The root of the word “monk” is monos, which means one or single. It isn’t so much about marital status as it is about the condition of one’s heart. When I try to live as a monk, I commit to living my life with as much integrity as possible. —Christine Valters Paintner, The Soul of a Pilgrim: Eight Practices for the Journey Within Reflective Question: How might you answer the monk’s call to live from a commitment to singleness of heart? Next steps: Let the word, quote, and question inspire your creative practice (Download the list of daily words

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May 7: Presence – Pilgrimage of Resurrection
A Creative Journey through the Easter Season

Word for Today: Presence We don’t need to travel long journeys to grow in the spiritual life. Wherever we are, we are called to stay in the monk’s cell, which means to stay present to our experience. —Christine Valters Paintner, The Soul of a Pilgrim: Eight Practices for the Journey Within Reflective Question: Can you inhabit fully the uncomfortable edges of your experience without giving into the need to change it into something else, without trying to find the next thing to make you feel good? Next steps: Let the word, quote, and question inspire your creative practice (Download the list of daily words

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May 6: Soul – Pilgrimage of Resurrection
A Creative Journey through the Easter Season

Word for Today: Soul The monastic cell is a central concept in the spirituality of the desert elders. The outer cell is really a metaphor for the inner cell, a symbol of the deep soul work we are called to in order to become fully awake. It is the place where we come into full presence with ourselves. —Christine Valters Paintner, The Soul of a Pilgrim: Eight Practices for the Journey Within Reflective Question: Can you enter your inner cell, close the door to distractions, and allow yourself to get in touch with all of your inner voices, emotions, and challenges

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May 5: Risk – Pilgrimage of Resurrection
A Creative Journey through the Easter Season

Word for Today: Risk We each have a threshold for uncomfortable or painful experiences….. The only way to widen our threshold of tolerance is to dance at its edges, explore uncomfortable places, and stay present. When we risk the unfamiliar, our resilience grows and we become more capable of living life. —Christine Valters Paintner, The Soul of a Pilgrim: Eight Practices for the Journey Within Reflective Question: Can you be present to whatever life brings you in the moment, and avoid reaching for the things that numb you and help avoid the pain? Next steps: Let the word, quote, and

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May 4: Shimmering – Pilgrimage of Resurrection
A Creative Journey through the Easter Season

Word for Today: Shimmering [The Desert Mothers and Fathers] sought ‘hesychia’, which is the Greek word for stillness. It means more than silence or peacefulness. There is a sense in which the stillness is the deep, shimmering presence of the holy. —Christine Valters Paintner, The Soul of a Pilgrim: Eight Practices for the Journey Within  Reflective Question: Can you sit with the discomfort and turmoil of your inner life until a sense of equanimity and deep inner silence begins to shimmer within? Next steps: Let the word, quote, and question inspire your creative practice (Download the list of daily words here.) Use the hashtag  #soulofapilgrim when

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