Word for Today: Risk
We each have a threshold for uncomfortable or painful experiences….. The only way to widen our threshold of tolerance is to dance at its edges, explore uncomfortable places, and stay present. When we risk the unfamiliar, our resilience grows and we become more capable of living life.
—Christine Valters Paintner, The Soul of a Pilgrim: Eight Practices for the Journey Within
Reflective Question: Can you be present to whatever life brings you in the moment, and avoid reaching for the things that numb you and help avoid the pain?
Next steps:
Let the word, quote, and question inspire your creative practice (Download the list of daily words here.) Use the hashtag #soulofapilgrim when sharing on social media.
- Join the Holy Disorder of Dancing Monks Facebook group to share your art and writing with others.
- Name your commitment to creative practice in the comments at this post (and enter the drawing to win a free copy of The Soul of a Pilgrim.)
- Share this post with others and invite them to participate (they can sign up here)
- Order a copy of Christine’s newest book The Soul of a Pilgrim
Walk the Ancient Paths: Join us on pilgrimage to sacred landscapes>>
2 Responses
My creative practice is writing and watercolor journaling.
I am interested in the drawing for a free copy of The Soul of a Pilgrim.
I SO resonate with your work…..I am a member of your tribe and do similar transformational work – thank you for sharing yours.
In the Mystery of Life,
kaleidoscope of possibility ~