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Category: Links & Resources


Advent Resources

Classes are canceled across Seattle today, my husband got the phone call at 5:00 a.m. notifying him (he teaches high school) and Seattle University posted their announcement soon after.  Apparently even though there hasn’t been much snowfall in the city, the low temperatures have made for icy and dangerous driving conditions.   Snow and below freezing temperatures are unusual around here and the city is not equipped to deal well, especially since Seattle is built on 7 hills, which makes for even more treacherous driving. Today was to be my last class session and I am sad not to have a chance to gather

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An Ancient Muse

I am so excited, I just discovered that one of my absolute favorite musicians, Loreena McKennitt is releasing a new album next week titled An Ancient Muse!  How much do I love her?  Well I wrote a glowing review of her music eight years ago for Sojourners magazine (can’t believe that is still available online) which was the last time she had a new album!  I am beside myself with joy.  And I had just sworn off buying any new music or books for a while. . .she is definitely an exception. A post coming in the morning on dreams. . .

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Go read these. . .

. . .Monastic Mumblings has the funniest post on “How People of Faith Read a Stop Sign” — definitely good for a hearty laugh. . . and the author David James Duncan has a great article on writing advice (that I found over at Kristin’s blog) where he claims having fun became for him the key to the door of the literary kingdom.  Enjoy!

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GridBlog Invitation

So I don’t know if any of you have this problem, but in my daily life I often have conversations in my imagination and then forget whether I said things out loud.  My poor husband always looks a little worried about me when I start a sentence with “I am not sure if I actually said this to you or just imagined I did, but. . .”  So the same thing happened with this wonderful GridBlog idea.  I read about it at Kristin’s blog a week or so ago who heard about it from Bob at The Corner (click on this link

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Just a few simple offerings

Michelle has left a comment under my previous post of her Litany for the Wounded with ways to help support the work she is doing, so please click here to go read! (scroll all the way down)She is doing such meaningful work and Michelle is a woman with a passion for justice and being present to those on the margins. And once you have read that, go over to Story Midwife and read the incredible post Trish has written about creating an Altar of Attending for women who are dying.  I drink in great writing about grief and dying like wine and

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Trafficking and Prostitution: A Litany for the Wounded

My friend Michelle and her partner had to take a spur-of-the-moment trip into Seattle today and are staying the night with us.  A treat to see her since we don’t get to spend time together very often.  She works up in Vancouver for the rights of women who have been trafficked into the sex industry.   Below is a prayer she wrote for a gathering.  I invite you to pray for these women, to spread wide your imagination, and to live into freedom and possibility for all those who have been oppressed. Opening Prayer Scripture For a long time I have kept silent,

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So what would you think of. . .

. . .a series of art journals around different themes?  This is an idea that has been stirring in me the last few weeks and I want to put it out there to the blogosphere and see what kind of response it might get.  What I am thinking of are different journals that would include a combination of text and art.  Each would have a focus like discernment, grief, dreams, creativity, lectio divina, liturgical and natural seasons, etc.  There would be some content — reflections on the theme, but there would also be lots of luscious open pages with photos, collage,

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