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GridBlog Invitation

So I don’t know if any of you have this problem, but in my daily life I often have conversations in my imagination and then forget whether I said things out loud.  My poor husband always looks a little worried about me when I start a sentence with “I am not sure if I actually said this to you or just imagined I did, but. . .”  So the same thing happened with this wonderful GridBlog idea.  I read about it at Kristin’s blog a week or so ago who heard about it from Bob at The Corner (click on this link if you want to know what a gridblog actually is).  I thought it was a marvelous idea and in my imagination I had already posted it here and invited others to participate.

The idea behind this is that you write a blog post in which you share your own experiences with the loss of a loved one and join a gridblog entitled THE MARIGOLD PATH that would be across the Internet on Nov. 1 & Nov. 2. This gridblog is inspired by the experience of Dia de Muertos (Day of the Dead) with the gridblog name inspired by the practice of children carrying yellow marigolds as they follow the procession to the cemetery.

Go here for more details including how to title it and a common image to use and to sign up!  I invite you to join in and celebrate the wisdom of our ancestors and loved ones.

-Christine Valters Paintner

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