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Category: Lent Easter


April 30: Yield – Pilgrimage of Resurrection
(A Creative Journey through the Easter Season)

Word for Today: Yield We are called to yield in each moment to a greater presence at work in our lives. We must surrender our egos and our willfulness for a larger wisdom to move through us. —Christine Valters Paintner, The Soul of a Pilgrim: Eight Practices for the Journey Within Reflective Question: Can you allow a holy pause and notice where you are “forcing things,” and then simply let them go?     Next steps: Let the word, quote, and question inspire your creative practice (Download the list of daily words here.) Use the hashtag  #soulofapilgrim when sharing on social media. Join the Holy Disorder of

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April 29: Wild – Pilgrimage of Resurrection
(A Creative Journey through the Easter Season)

Word for Today: Wild The spiritual journey calls us out into the wild places where God is not tamed and domesticated. We are asked to release our agendas and discover the holy direction for our lives. —Christine Valters Paintner, The Soul of a Pilgrim: Eight Practices for the Journey Within Reflective Question: How will you answer the invitation to yield your desire to control the unfolding direction of your life?   Next steps: Let the word, quote, and question inspire your creative practice (Download the list of daily words here.) Use the hashtag  #soulofapilgrim when sharing on social media. Join the Holy Disorder of Dancing Monks Facebook

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April 28: Fullness – Pilgrimage of Resurrection
(A Creative Journey through the Easter Season)

Word for Today: Fullness God does not call us to one particular path that we scrutinize and discover. God calls us to the fullness of living which can be manifested in a multitude of ways. —Christine Valters Paintner, The Soul of a Pilgrim: Eight Practices for the Journey Within Reflective Question: Can you learn to trust yourself enough to hear the voice of the Divine calling you to what is truly life-giving?     Next steps: Let the word, quote, and question inspire your creative practice (Download the list of daily words here.) Use the hashtag  #soulofapilgrim when sharing on social media. Join the Holy Disorder

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April 27: Momentum – Pilgrimage of Resurrection
(A Creative Journey through the Easter Season)

Word for Today: Momentum On a true pilgrimage, we soon discover that the journey has its own rhythm and momentum. We realize, if our hearts are listening, that there are secret destinations that reveal themselves as our path unfolds. —Christine Valters Paintner, The Soul of a Pilgrim: Eight Practices for the Journey Within Reflective Question: As you set out upon your pilgrimage, can you leave behind your maps and guides, your desire to know beforehand which path to follow, and loosen your grip on plans and certainties? Next steps: Let the word, quote, and question inspire your creative practice (Download the list

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Wandering for the Love of God: Shepherd – Pilgrimage of Resurrection through Creative Practice (a love note)

This is the fourth in a series of eight reflections over the season of Easter on making a pilgrimage of resurrection. Word for Today: Shepherd In the gospel reading for this fourth Sunday of Easter, Jesus offers us the image of the good shepherd. Living in Ireland, flocks of sheep are very much a part of the landscape and integral to the farming economy. The “good shepherd” is described as the one who cares deeply for the flock, who is personally invested in the thriving of each and every one. The shepherd is the one who guides to safe pastures.

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April 25: Challenge – Pilgrimage of Resurrection
(A Creative Journey through the Easter Season)

Saturday, April 25, 2015: Challenge You have responded to the call of pilgrimage in your life and taken a journey out into the wilderness. You will face temptation. The challenge is whether you can stay awake and present enough to notice when this is happening. —Christine Valters Paintner, The Soul of a Pilgrim: Eight Practices for the Journey Within Reflective Question: What is your favorite form of self-numbing that takes your awareness away from what is happening both within and without? Can you fast from this for the season ahead to stay present to how God is moving through you?

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April 24: Borderlands – Pilgrimage of Resurrection
(A Creative Journey through the Easter Season)

Word for Today: Borderlands Thresholds, liminal space, being on the edge, living in the borderlands when we have a spirituality that is committed to exploring these rich places, is the opposite of comfortable, safe, secure, boundaries, rigid, and unquestioned. —Christine Valters Paintner, The Soul of a Pilgrim: Eight Practices for the Journey Within  Reflective Question: Can you acknowledge that you simply don’t know what is to come? Can you allow yourself to surrender to something bigger and more meaningful, even as it calls us away from familiar patterns that are loved? Next steps: Let the word, quote, and question inspire your

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