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Category: Fun


Art for Advent

“This season beckons me to ask, what am I preparing for? What is the way that is being prepared within the wilderness of my life? What does it mean for my own life to become a path, a way of welcome for the Holy One? How do I give myself time to notice the ways that the path unfolds before me and within me? What are the acts of preparation that bring delight to my daily life? Whom do I ask or allow to help me prepare?” -Jan Richardon, Night Visions: Searching the Shadows of Advent and Christmas As most

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Holy Play

Last summer my husband and I went to Kauai for two weeks. It was a beautiful trip where I absolutely fell in love with sea turtles.  We started to notice as the days passed there, the most common car on the island was a yellow jeep.  We started to point them out and create a silly game, saying “screamin’ heebie-jeepie!” and then decided each time we had to give each other a kiss (sort of a much nicer version of orange punch-bug).  Since we passed them on the road all the time, it made for a very romantic trip.  The delightful part is that ever

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Come and Play!

Greetings dear friends, In a week and a half I will be heading to the Emerald Island from the Emerald City and will be out of email and blogging touch for a bit.  More blogging to come this week though.  In the meantime I wanted to post another invitation for you to consider joining Betsey and myself for what promises to be a wonderful time.  I have had lots of folks express interest, and it would be helpful for us to have you register before August for us to be able to confirm with the retreat center.  Registration requires a

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Seven Things About Me Meme

Tess at Anchors andMasts tagged me for this meme.  The rules are:  People who are tagged start by thinking about 7 random facts/habits about themselves. Each player then must write about those seven things on their blog, as well as include these rules. Players then need to choose 7 people to tag and list their names. Don’t forget to leave each person a comment telling them they’ve been tagged. 1.  I am not a big reader of fiction, I much prefer nonfiction.  In the last ten years the only novel I have read that I can think of is The Secret

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Happy Bloggiversary to Me!

  Today is my one-year blogging anniversary!  Hard to believe, it has been a truly wonderful year.  I have met so many amazing people, gifted artists, new friends.  I have received advice and encouragement on the creative journey. I am stealing this idea from Kayce at Diamonds in the Sky With Lucy, who for her 100th post asked readers what their favorite post of hers was.  So please indulge me a little and let me know if there has been a particular reflection or image that stands out for you as a favorite, or you could just let me know what

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Best of Blogs Finalist

My blog is a finalist under the Best of Blogs Inspirational category!  Best of Blogs is dedicated to giving exposure to smaller blogs.  I am very excited and honored.  You can vote for me here (scroll down to the third category), you get one vote per day until April 13, 2007. -Christine Valters Paintner @ Abbey of the Arts

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Honored by Juniper

Juniper at Possible Water just posted her very own Junipercentric Blog Awards for 2006 and I won Overall Best New Blog for 2006!  I am really touched by her gracious words and also laughing a little because I just posted a very fluffy post (well partly fluffy at least), so if you are looking for the “Great art, gorgeous photos and transcendent writing” that she mentions, scroll down past the next post.  Or better yet, have a little fun participating in the meme and then scroll down for the meatier stuff.  To my regular readers, I am lucky enough to

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