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Category: Fun


Abbey of the Arts Celebrates 18 Years!

Today we celebrate 18 years since Abbey of the Arts was created. In its first year it was a blog called The Sacred Art of Living where I was retraining myself to write for a broader audience after my highly academic training. A few months in and I realized what I was writing my way toward was a virtual monastery.  In those first few years I was teaching theology at Seattle University and also served as Program Coordinator for the Ignatian Spirituality Center in Seattle, and while I did love that work, my heart was longing for something different. I

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Celebrate with Me!

I just hit the “SEND” button to deliver our manuscript to the Publisher right on time.  Awakening the Creative Spirit: Bringing the Arts to Spiritual Direction (co-authored with Betsey Beckman) is scheduled for publication in early February 2010 by Morehouse (SDI Imprint Series).  More details to come!  For right now I am just going to celebrate the completion of this phase of hard, hard work and what has been a labor of utter love and passion.  (oh and now to get some of my other work done . . .)

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Six Word Memoir

lucy is inviting us to consider what six words would make up our memoir in this moment.  Mine are: urban monk bearing witness to beauty I’d love to hear what your own six word memoir would be.  Feel free to share it in the comments or at your own blog.

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Creative Blogger Award

Choral Girl at Choral Reef was kind enough to honor me with this blogging award. It has been a long while since I have done one of these memes, so here goes! My instructions are to list 7 things that I love and then pass the award on to 7 people…tagging them and letting them know they won! You can copy the picture of the award and put it on your sidebar. Seven Things I Love: 1. The muffled barking sound sweet Tune makes when she is fast asleep and dreaming of chasing squirrels. 2. Sabbath time with my beloved husband.

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Blog-Tag Interview

Beth at the Virtual Tea House is having some fun.  Here’s how it works.  I read Beth’s blog about this exercise. I asked to be interviewed. Beth sent me the five questions below, which I also answered in this post.  Then…it’s your turn.  If you want to play, either on the comment section to this post, or in an email to me, just let me know you would like to be interviewed.  I will then dream up some questions with whatever info about you I can gain from your blog or other sources that you give me.  Hopefully you’ll have fun exploring the questions

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Expressive Arts Certification

Celebrate with me!  I just received confirmation that my application for REACE status (Registered Expressive Arts Consultant and Educator) was approved by IEATA (International Expressive Arts Therapy Association).  It was quite an intensive and thorough application process that included a Masters degree in a related field, a minimum of 2000 hours of expressive arts work experience, 200 hours of expressive arts training, an autobiographical statement, a statement of philosophy, a portfolio of both personal process and of a case study (including visual elements), three professional letters of reference, a resume, an ethical guidelines statement, promotional material, and transcripts.  I am quite honored to

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Kathleen Norris

I have had a few emails inquiring about how Kathleen Norris’ talk was last Saturday.  I will write more as we get closer to Advent since she focused primarily on her contribution to the book God With Us: Rediscovering the Meaning of Christmas (which may become my new favorite resource for Advent with its gorgeous art and contributions by such wonderful writers as Luci Shaw, Scott Cairns, and Emilie Griffin). As my dear friend lucy said at her blog (and with whom I had the pleasure of sharing the evening), Kathleen Norris “is a regular person. She sometimes doesn’t journal for weeks and has been known

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