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Creative Blogger Award

Choral Girl at Choral Reef was kind enough to honor me with this blogging award. It has been a long while since I have done one of these memes, so here goes!

My instructions are to list 7 things that I love and then pass the award on to 7 people…tagging them and letting them know they won! You can copy the picture of the award and put it on your sidebar.

Seven Things I Love:

1. The muffled barking sound sweet Tune makes when she is fast asleep and dreaming of chasing squirrels.

2. Sabbath time with my beloved husband.

3. Being by the ocean, listening to the rhythm of the waves, watching the cycle of the tides. I have always lived on one coast or the other and can’t imagine being more than a few minutes away from water.

4. Trees, especially winter trees with their achingly beautiful bare branches.  Spring blossoms, summer greenery, and autumn splendor are all pretty much stunning as well. I have been know to absolutely fall head over heels in love with a particular tree.

5. Time spent with good friends in meaningful conversation.

6. The gifts of monastic tradition and practice in my life, especially the Hours of the day and the awareness it cultivates in me of the rise and fall of everything.

7. Being able to do the work I adore in abundance.  This is such an incredible gift for which I am grateful every day.  I work very hard, but it is all blessing.

Seven Creative Bloggers Extraordinaire:

This was really hard to narrow down — I know of so many spectacularly creative bloggers — so I made the choice to include only bloggers I have had the joy and privilege of also having met in person.

Jan Richardson at The Painted Prayerbook — I have been a fan of Jan’s work for many years and recently had the joy of sitting down to lunch with her while she was in Seattle.  We have much in common, most especially our Benedictine Oblate commitments and love of monastic tradition, and our love of the arts and text together as a vehicle for expressing the sacred.

lucy at Diamonds in the Sky with Lucy — lucy is a dear friend and creative inspiration.  She is as absolutely fabulous in person as she is in her blog.

Sunrise Sister at Mind Sieve — I also recently had the pleasure of getting to know SS on a retreat I led back in December. A vivacious spirit with wondrous creative energy.  She has been offering very thoughtful reflections for Lent.

Rachelle Mee-Chapman at Magpie Girl — Rachelle used to live in Seattle, but now resides in Denmark. Her blog is full of sass and thoughtfulness, I always find something worthwhile to ponder there.

Kate Iredale at Through My Lens Lightly — I got to meet Kate several months ago at a blogger dinner in Seattle before we headed over to hear Patti Digh read.  I love Kate’s images altered digitally to create works of art.

Patti Digh at 37 Days — Author of the fabulous Life Is a Verb: 37 Days to Wake Up, Be Mindful, and Live Intentionally.  I hadn’t read Patti’s work before we went and was so impressed by the quality of her writing and the way she delivered it to her audience.

Richard Wells at Bundle of His(s)— I only recently was introduced to Richard first virtually when he found my blog and began participating in my Poetry Parties and then when he attended a presentation I gave recently at Seattle University on my Lectio Divina book. Richard is a very gifted poet with a wonderfully dry sense of humor.

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2 Responses

  1. Thrilled to have the little pink jewel posted on my site – thank you! I responded with my list and with my seven bloggers – noting 4 add’l that I NEVER miss! You won’t be surprised at the “never misses:)”

    Thank you so much.

  2. oh my, i am blushing at the award and acknowledgment…and of course am a bit intimidated to follow your sensational seven…but you know me, i’m always up for a challenge! :-) thank you, friend! xoxoox