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Kathleen Norris

I have had a few emails inquiring about how Kathleen Norris’ talk was last Saturday.  I will write more as we get closer to Advent since she focused primarily on her contribution to the book God With Us: Rediscovering the Meaning of Christmas (which may become my new favorite resource for Advent with its gorgeous art and contributions by such wonderful writers as Luci Shaw, Scott Cairns, and Emilie Griffin).

As my dear friend lucy said at her blog (and with whom I had the pleasure of sharing the evening), Kathleen Norris “is a regular person. She sometimes doesn’t journal for weeks and has been known to resort to watching ‘America’s Next Top Model’ for respite.”  She was very funny, much funnier than I expected and very down to earth.

And her brief words about her new book Acedia & Me: A Marriage, Monks, and a Writer’s Life have inspired me to move it to the top of my reading pile so I am sure I will share more about it soon.

** Make sure to visit this week’s Poetry Party **

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