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Best of Blogs Finalist


My blog is a finalist under the Best of Blogs Inspirational category!  Best of Blogs is dedicated to giving exposure to smaller blogs.  I am very excited and honored.  You can vote for me here (scroll down to the third category), you get one vote per day until April 13, 2007.

-Christine Valters Paintner @ Abbey of the Arts

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8 Responses

  1. Thank you Rich and Suz, you are all so wonderful. Maybe I’ll include a little link at the bottom of my posts for the next couple of weeks with reminders to vote if you feel so inclined.

  2. Christine,
    You have become a touchstone for me in a short time and I thank you. I voted the first day…and then forgot I could keep voting…I will hustle over there!
    Congratulatory hugs,

  3. I will be pleased to vote for you every day!! It’s one way of thanking you for your ministry~art~photography~inspiration.
    Congratulations!! :D

  4. Thank you Bette, I hope it has all been good stuff clearing the way for you to create!

    Thanks so much Cathy for the nomination.

    Blessings, Christine

  5. Congrats on being nominated !

    I will vote for you everyday :)

    Sorry I haven’t been posting much. Spring break here and misc. stuff. But thinking of you! { hugs }