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Invitation to Poetry: Give Me a Word 2013

Welcome to the Abbey’s 64th Poetry Party!

We are making a little departure this month from our usual format where I select an image for you to illuminate with your words.

This month the invitation is to write a poem inspired by your word for the year (and even though that drawing is over, you are still welcome to post your word there – and if you already shared a poem there, please share it again here to have them all gathered together).

I will suggest you make it an acrostic poem which is where each letter of your word forms the first letter of a line of your poem, but all poetic forms are most welcome here.  Consider writing a blessing for the year ahead inspired by your word.

Scroll down and add it in the comments section below to share it with the Abbey community. Feel free to take your poem in any direction and then post the invitation on your blog (if you have one), Facebook, or Twitter, and encourage others to come join the party!

On Friday, February 1st I will draw a name at random to win a space in the upcoming online Lenten retreat with St. Hildegard of Bingen.

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199 Responses


    Stillness calls for my stewardship
    Tells of times once remembered
    In the ever beat of my heart’s desire
    Longing to live in peaceful countenance
    Listening deep beyond the idle chatter
    Nearing my quest for home remembering
    Ever present when I give myself to quietude
    Simple in the ever presence of breathing
    Stillness gives it watch over me

    Rely on the flow of spirit
    Evidence of divine abundance
    Caressing your senses and soul
    Emotions of many colors
    Inviting a new sense of aliveness beyond the world’s numbing
    Valued beyond measure, know you are
    Embraced by the love of Godd

    Receive and be blessed!

  3. Gratitude: A Blessing for 2013

    God is here
    Right now
    And always
    Turning water into wine
    In perfect timing and harmony
    Taking our dreams and hopes
    Up to the altar of
    Divine possibility
    Endless blessings emerge
    As we give thanks
    Right here, right now
    And always.

    1. Mmmm. Here, now, always. I love the imagery in your poem. “Always turning water into wine” captures my heart tonight.


    Relish in life given while courageously
    Embracing fear of failure to thrive,
    Letting arms open wide to let go and
    Experience the gifts awaiting me.
    Arrive each day to what awaits.
    Share a cup of tea and breathe.
    Enjoy this ride.

  5. Homecoming

    Healing awaits…
    Options abound…
    Mother Nature instructs…
    Expectations vanish…
    Comfort encircles…
    Oneness descends…
    Mystery unfolds…
    Inwardness calls….
    Gifts emerge.

  6. fifty

    fifty revolutions, resolutions, reasons
    ideas, charged like stallions rushing the gate
    find the hole in the fence, slide through
    you are wild, you are free

  7. Integrity

    I listen for my word
    Nothing comes forth
    Then I hear Spirit whisper
    Easing into solace in community
    Greeting the silence
    Reading, praying, walking, singing
    Inspired I listen with the ear of my heart
    The word emerges … Integrity

  8. I didn’t write an acrostic. I put together my word for the year, release, with a spiritual teacher, Mary Oliver (day 11 of online retreat) and wrote this poem imagining myself in first grade with Mary Oliver.

    First Grade Friends

    We shared a classroom
    with rows alphabetized
    by first name. She was
    right there behind me —
    Martha, Mary, and then
    was it Maurice?
    We treasured time to
    whisper undetected,
    released into daydreams
    of ancient tasting concord
    grapes in autumn, of
    sliding glee across a
    frozen schoolyard, of
    thick smells from marble
    season mud, of intricate
    worlds in plain sight
    hugging every blade of grass.

    Oh how we soared on
    young spirals in our wild,
    precious lives!

    Martha Brunell

  9. My word for 2013 is Effloresce. This is the acrostic that I wrote the day my word ‘found’ me:


    Far away, deep in the
    Flower DNA, I
    Lie waiting to
    Ready to burst forth in blooming beauty.
    Seek me out, search if you must, but know that I will
    Come to you in the least expected moments.
    Even now, I am ready to surprise you with my power.