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Give Me a Word 2013 random drawing winners!

More than 800 people shared their word for 2013!  It is truly amazing and inspiring to read through the submissions, so consider pouring a cup of tea and perusing what others have posted.  Please feel welcome to share your word, even though the date for being entered into the random drawing has passed (see winners below).

There are also some pretty wonderful photos being shared at this month’s Photo Party where you are invited to share images inspired by your word for the year (you can also take a quick look at the Flickr photo pool here – also worth some lingering).

I am so delighted to announce the winners of the Give Me a Word 2013 drawing:

(If you see your name below please send me your snail mail to claim your prize.  I will be sending out emails to the winners, but am having some technical difficulties with getting emails sent at the moment . . . )

A deep bow of gratitude to everyone who participated and for helping to create a wonderful community of monks here at Abbey of the Arts.

I am away traveling until January 21st, so look for a new Poetry Party then and more Abbey goodness. . .

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2 Responses

  1. Perhaps it is just me, but it seems amazing how well the winner’s words line up with what they won! Such a cool bit of synchronicity in operation there. :) Love it.

    Congratualtions to the winners!