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Invitation to Poetry: Give Me a Word 2013

Welcome to the Abbey’s 64th Poetry Party!

We are making a little departure this month from our usual format where I select an image for you to illuminate with your words.

This month the invitation is to write a poem inspired by your word for the year (and even though that drawing is over, you are still welcome to post your word there – and if you already shared a poem there, please share it again here to have them all gathered together).

I will suggest you make it an acrostic poem which is where each letter of your word forms the first letter of a line of your poem, but all poetic forms are most welcome here.  Consider writing a blessing for the year ahead inspired by your word.

Scroll down and add it in the comments section below to share it with the Abbey community. Feel free to take your poem in any direction and then post the invitation on your blog (if you have one), Facebook, or Twitter, and encourage others to come join the party!

On Friday, February 1st I will draw a name at random to win a space in the upcoming online Lenten retreat with St. Hildegard of Bingen.

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199 Responses

  1. I am like an olive tree thriving in the house of God. Psalm 52 v 8
    Thriving is my word
    Taut as a sail ready for the wind
    Happy ’cause I know I’m loved
    Resting while I’m waiting
    Interceding not deflating
    Veiled in the wings of a dove
    Increase is coming
    Night is disappearing
    Grace is coming down with His great love