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Invitation to Poetry: Ode to Animal Wisdom

Welcome to Poetry Party #47!

I select an image and suggest a theme/title and invite you to respond with your poems or other reflections.  Scroll down and add your responses in the comments section below. Feel free to take your poem in any direction and then post the image and invitation on your blog (if you have one) and encourage others to come join the party! (permission is granted to reprint the image if a link is provided back to this post)

Today is the Feast of St. Francis, the wonderful mystic who saw the wonder of God in all of creation.  He is perhaps best known for his Canticle of the Sun where Francis expresses deep kinship with nature by regarding sun and moon, the four sacred elements, and even Death as siblings.  On this day, many churches offer blessings to our companion animals as a way of honoring how integral they are to our lives.  At 13-years old our rescued Weimaraner, Abbess Petunia, has been showing signs of her age.  However she still offers me daily wisdom in learning how to simply be present to the truth of this moment.  Part of the wisdom of creatures for me is in their sheer otherness and willingness to enter our lives with such exuberance.

I invite you for our Poetry Party this week to write an Ode to Animal Wisdom or your own Canticle of Creation!

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51 Responses

  1. My Gentle Friends

    When I return they always run out to see me.
    When I have had a bad day
    or I feel needy
    or I need to be around ‘real life’
    that bounces and moves
    I go to visit my chickens.

    Their life seems simple.
    Their desires seem few.
    And they always know what to do.

    Their simplicity calms my desires.
    Their pleasant clucks bring me peace.
    These gentle friends
    feed my stomach with their eggs
    and my soul with their presence.

  2. “Those ole feet smell funny”
    quibs my cat, “BeBop”, whom
    like his name, knows that feet are
    for dancing and prancing and
    showing off!
    “I bet he can’t do a double
    twirl jump”!!
    Submitted via proxy, BeBop

  3. Old Cat
    She sleeps on the highboy
    curled, by the mirror
    for hours and hours
    she doesn’t stir
    and when she does,
    she sees herself-
    surprised to be
    yet in body, alive-
    slightly dimmed
    and off to one side;
    she stares at her people
    adrift, moving by,
    as if that other world
    might lend some light
    to exercise her will
    to flight: an imagined
    Big Leap
    to the other side,
    already framed
    in her other eyes-
    but still
    a dream

    1. ‘surprised to by yet in body’ oh what a wonderful phrase – I have cat who I think experiences that too!! How fun!!

    By Susan J. Hetrick

    is a blonde fish who
    does not swim.
    rocks on the bottom or
    rocks on a rock and struggles
    moving heavenward when

    Her mother of invention is
    a study of fertility in black and white
    a million possibilities
    like clockwork.

    She –
    the sole survivor –
    is a blonde fish who
    does not swim.
    For effect
    lies on her side
    but does not die,
    and is no longer

  5. Fast and furious he leaps
    From front door
    To neighbor’s towering spruce
    He races
    For a moment
    Leaving the confined
    To visit four-legged friends

    Upon the stoop he waits
    Knowing the love within
    The food, the treats
    The snuggles, the warmth
    The family anxiously waiting
    Full of consternation
    And compassion
    Max is home…
    Until the next door opens
    –Karla, 10/5/10

  6. Cat Thanksgivings….

    She calls me Tawny Tom
    and does not chase me
    nor do brown-earth eyes
    stare balefully…

    She has no tail that
    bristles nor does
    her back arch
    at my coming or going
    or staying…

    Lay me down atop the doormat
    it is far enough away…
    I feel safe this far
    and I can close my eyes
    for a little at a time

    I wait, you see, because
    sometimes she feeds me
    she knows I am thin
    because I feel her eyes
    move over me
    remembering fatness
    under my fur

    When the Sunflower
    dims in the sky
    and its as purple
    as spider wort
    I come through flat wood
    and wait…

    My hunger comes often
    I don’t think
    I am well
    my strength,
    it lingers elsewhere
    and I think hers does too…

    She does not
    shoo me away
    when seen
    or call me things
    “others” who live
    in the big blue box

    And they look narrowly
    at me from behind
    the clear hardness
    on high,
    they know I am
    without home
    I have no human

    There is water and coolness
    and she shares it
    when she rests
    on the leaf-colored shelf
    her eyes close too
    and we are still

    Perhaps to close my eyes
    a little more as the sky
    turns to deep water
    and I am sated by mercy
    someday maybe I shall
    be strong again…

    My strength,
    it lingers elsewhere…

  7. I, too, have worried
    that I’ll never have a dog…
    That I’ll never know the nose nuzzle nudge
    to move me just slightly off my center,

    or that I’ll never feel
    how the throwing of a stick
    could be so generously retrieved.

    I have worried when I’m out walking
    I’m just wandering lost without a leash,
    tied without a tether.

    I have worried
    that without a foot warmer or hand licker
    I’m not really a complete person.

    So, what’s to keep me from
    cleaning out a corner in the kitchen
    to make a space for some one stray to move right in?

  8. Two paws rest, content
    Remind us to restore now.
    With His grace and love.

    Paws at rest and peace,
    In honor of St. Francis
    Forgive and find love.

    1. I am taken by the connection of’ paws at rest’ with the phrase ‘forgive and find love’. Somehow it seems integral

  9. let me show you how to be
    she says
    with her big brown eyes
    as she
    rolls over on the mat at my feet
    then snoozes in the sunlight

    her paws
    move softly as she breathes
    then twitch
    and tremble as she chases
    the rabbit
    that runs through her dreams
