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Lenten Links

A wonderful poem about threshold space written by Rich at Pilgrim Path:

Ash Wednesday

On this February morning,
not fully winter, not quite spring,
the palest lemonade-colored sun
rises weakly over the lake.
A still fog sits over the water,
trapping a ship in time just as
the frozen waters anchor it in place.
A waterfront bench entombed in
snow serves no purpose but to remind
us of a nearly past storm.
A good day to be stuck in time
on a fulcrum of faith’s calendar.
Let us take our cue from nature
and sit with this threshold day as it requires.

-Rich Murray

Milton at Don’t Eat Alone has been keeping a Lenten Journal.  I especially loved this post on lenten reduction.

Antony at Coming to the Quiet always has good reflections on monastic spirituality.  I really liked his reflection on Lent here.  This line especially spoke to me: “Lent should shake each of us inside and out.” Amen.

Maggi Dawn has a great reflection on Lent and our cultural obsession with food and size.

Rachel at Swandive provides a link to Ship of Fools with 40 Ideas for Lent, some very good and practical ideas!

I return on Monday!  Blessings on your lenten journey!

-Christine Valters Paintner @ Abbey of the Arts

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12 Responses

  1. thank you for the links. they have kept me entertained and occupied while you were away dreaming. blessings.

  2. Just a quick note to say thank you for the lovely comments! I am enjoying the conference although very tired from the travel. I know it will take me several days to recover from it! I am delighted the books I have released into the world have begun their landings. :-) Blessings for a wonderful weekend, Christine

  3. Lots of hope for a wonderful “ocean of dreaming” Christine. As you know that is my intuitive image of Lent as well (40 days in the ocean vs the desert) so I can really understand that draw.

    Thanks for pointing out the link to “Don’t Eat Alone”, he had some Lent posts that really spoke to me and i wouldnt have even seen them if you hadnt pointed him out…

    Blessed Week

  4. Your training looks wonderful…but very far away for you, Christine! I hope it goes well and that you feel well.

    Yesterday I got the most marvelous Gentle Yoga Kit in the mail…I love it and I was just tickled pink!

    Thanks ever so much, Christine. What joy you have passed around!

  5. wow – looks wonderful. Blessings on your travel, and thanks for the nod. Also – it is a ridiculously long time in coming, but …
    I loved and love the little photo cards you sent me a while back. Your artful eye is just so inspiring to have in my wallet.

  6. Thanks for the the link to your retreat at Haden Institute. My what a beautiful looking castle tucked away in nature next to amazing waterfalls!!! I pray you have good and safe travels and enjoy your dream leader training. It sounds very interesting. Thanks for all the other neat links :)