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Lenten Links

A wonderful poem about threshold space written by Rich at Pilgrim Path:

Ash Wednesday

On this February morning,
not fully winter, not quite spring,
the palest lemonade-colored sun
rises weakly over the lake.
A still fog sits over the water,
trapping a ship in time just as
the frozen waters anchor it in place.
A waterfront bench entombed in
snow serves no purpose but to remind
us of a nearly past storm.
A good day to be stuck in time
on a fulcrum of faith’s calendar.
Let us take our cue from nature
and sit with this threshold day as it requires.

-Rich Murray

Milton at Don’t Eat Alone has been keeping a Lenten Journal.  I especially loved this post on lenten reduction.

Antony at Coming to the Quiet always has good reflections on monastic spirituality.  I really liked his reflection on Lent here.  This line especially spoke to me: “Lent should shake each of us inside and out.” Amen.

Maggi Dawn has a great reflection on Lent and our cultural obsession with food and size.

Rachel at Swandive provides a link to Ship of Fools with 40 Ideas for Lent, some very good and practical ideas!

I return on Monday!  Blessings on your lenten journey!

-Christine Valters Paintner @ Abbey of the Arts

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12 Responses

  1. Thank you so very much lucy and karla! karla, the title of your book sounds very intriguing! Blessings to you both, Christine

  2. Christine…I’m glad the conference has been a place of joy for you! What fun! And thank you so ver much for the new book. I’m waiting to crack it open after I finish “lifegiving: discovering the secrets to a beautiful life” (Tammy Malby w/ Tamra Farah). I’m digesting so much right now in that blessed reading that I doubt I’d have the energy to take in my new book as it deserves! May you have a restful week and the time to process all that you’ve learned! –Karla