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Say Yes (4)

In the center of ourselves you place the power  of choosing. Forgive us the times we have given that power away, when we have sold  our birthright for that which does not satisfy. And so in your wisdom may our yes be truly yes and our no be truly no, that we may touch with dignity and love with integrity and know the freedom of our own choosing all our days. -Jan Richardson, from Night Visions: Searching the Shadows of Advent and Christmas ** For the season of Advent I am posting a reflection each Sunday on a theme from the

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Say Yes (3)

If you are here unfaithfully with us, you’re causing terrible damage. If you’ve opened your loving to God’s love, you’re helping people you don’t know and have never seen. Is what I say true? Say yes quickly, if you know, if you’ve known it from before the beginning of the universe. -Rumi ** For the season of Advent I am posting a reflection each Sunday on a theme from the lectionary readings and then during the week offering a poem each day to highlight that theme — see this past Sunday here **

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Say Yes (2)

The Road Here is the road: the light comes and goes then returns again. Be gentle with your fellow travelers as they move through the world of stone and stars whirling with you yet every one alone. The road waits. Do not ask questions but when it invites you to dance at daybreak, say yes. Each step is the journey; a single note the song. -Arlene Gay Levine, from Bless the Day: Prayers and Poems to Nurture Your Soul ** For the season of Advent I am posting a reflection each Sunday on a theme from the lectionary readings and

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Visual Meditation: Crystalline Darkness, Glittering Stillness

Winter Solstice (Two Poems by Rebecca Parker) Perhaps for a moment… the wheels stop rolling, the computers desist from computing, and a hush will fall over the city. For an instant, in the stillness, the chiming of celestial spheres will be heard as earth hangs poised in the crystalline darkness, and then tilts. Let there be a season when holiness is heard, and the splendor of living is revealed. Stunned to stillness by beauty we remember who we are and why we are here. There are inexplicable mysteries. We are not alone. In the universe there moves a Wild One

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Holy Darkness (6)

O night of admiration, full of choirs, O night of deepest praise, And darkness full of sweet delight! -Thomas Merton, A Book of Hours ** For the season of Advent I am posting a reflection each Sunday on a theme from the lectionary readings and then during the week offering a poem each day to highlight that theme — see this past Sunday here **

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Holy Darkness (5)

In deep nights I dig for you like treasure. For all I have seen that clutters the surface of my world is poor and paltry substitute for the beauty of you that has not happened yet. -Rilke, from Book of Hours: Love Poems to God ** For the season of Advent I am posting a reflection each Sunday on a theme from the lectionary readings and then during the week offering a poem each day to highlight that theme — see this past Sunday here **

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Holy Darkness (3)

Whom should I turn to, if not the one whose darkness is darker than night, the only one who keeps vigil with no candle, and is not afraid— the deep one, whose being I trust, for it breaks through the earth into trees and rises, when I bow my head, faint as a fragrance from the soil. -Rilke, from Book of Hours: Love Poems to God ** For the season of Advent I am posting a reflection each Sunday on a theme from the lectionary readings and then during the week offering a poem each day to highlight that theme —

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Holy Darkness (2)

I know that I love the day, The sun on the mountain, the Pacific Shiny and accomplishing itself in breakers, But I know I live half alive in the world, I know half my life belongs to the wild darkness. -Galway Kinnell ** For the season of Advent I am posting a reflection each Sunday on a theme from the lectionary readings and then during the week offering a poem each day to highlight that theme — see this past Sunday here **

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Holy Darkness (1)

 The spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me, because the LORD has anointed me; he has sent me to bring glad tidings to the poor, to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives and release to the prisoners, to announce a year of favor from the LORD and a day of vindication by our God. -Isaiah 61:1-2 The prophetic and poetic texts of the Book of Isaiah are some of my favorite of the ancient Hebrew scriptures.  This is the third Sunday of Advent which is also known as Gaudete Sunday, Gaudete means rejoice in Latin.  During

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The Way (4)

Journey The mouth of the river may be beautiful. It doesn’t remember the womb of its beginning. It doesn’t look back to where it’s been or wonder who ahead of it polished the rough stones. It is following the way in its fullness, now like satin, now cresting, waters meeting, kindred to travel gathered together, all knowing it flows one way, shining or in shadows. And me, the animal I ride wants to drive forward, its longing not always my own, overrunning its banks and bounds, edgeless, pilling along the way because, as I forget, it knows everything is before

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