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“You own nothing”

The Moment The moment when, after many years of hard work and a long voyage you stand in the centre of your room, house, half-acre, square mile, island, country, knowing at last how you got there, and say, I own this, is the same moment when the trees unloose their soft arms from around you, the birds take back their language, the cliffs fissure and collapse, the air moves back from you like a wave and you can’t breathe. No, they whisper. You own nothing. You were a visitor, time after time climbing the hill, planting the flag, proclaiming. We

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Giving Up a Too-Small God

My latest column at Patheos is available on how to let go of the God of whom you are certain and open yourself to the One who is beyond your imagining: Let mystery have its place in you; do not be always turning up your whole soil with the plowshare of self-examination, but leave a little fallow corner in your heart ready for any seed the winds may bring, and reserve a nook of shadow for the passing bird; keep a place in your heart for the unexpected guests, an altar for an unknown God. — from Amiel’s Journal, translated

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Yin Yoga is wonderful and so is the Samarya Center (for my Seattle friends)

For those of you in the Seattle area who might be looking for a wonderful yoga studio or who are curious about trying yin yoga which I mention sometimes, consider coming to the Samarya Center in the Central District (click on “drop-in classes” for the current schedule).  Samarya does amazing work with the community, bringing yoga to veterans, those in hospice, and much more.  They are a non-profit studio with an emphasis on integrating yoga philosophy into practice and creating a very welcoming and loving atmosphere.  This will be one of the places I miss most after my move. I will

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The Great Migration

It is the time of the great migrations; wild winged ones fly in ragged formations away from the summer fields of plenty, down from the tundra, up from the tropics, ordinary hearts beating against the winds, resisting the updrafts, into the storms, through the autumnal fogs that hide the hunters and the seductions of rest; wild finned ones turn against the familiar ocean currents to slip through narrow stony channels, leaping against the steepness of the grade, following an ancient invocation of leave and return. Fin and feather, flesh, blood and bone: the earth calls its creatures to leave the

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The Artist Begins Again and Again

University of St Andrews is hosting an art and monasticism symposium at their Transpositions blog.  I wrote about beginning again and again as an artist: As artists and creative people we are filled with the best of intentions. We are inspired with big visions and a longing to express ourselves freely and fully. We begin a project – whether writing a book, painting a canvas, or composing a song – with enthusiasm and full of confidence. Then somewhere along the way we find our energy waning, and the artwork we once felt such delight in has now become a source

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Invitation to Poetry: The Center and the Edges

Welcome to the Abbey’s Poetry Party #57! I select an image and suggest a theme/title and invite you to respond with your own poem. Scroll down and add it in the comments section below. Feel free to take your poem in any direction and then post the image and invitation on your blog (if you have one), Facebook, or Twitter, and encourage others to come join the party! (permission is granted to reprint the image if a link is provided back to this post) I have recently discovered a stash of copies of my first book on lectio divina (published

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It’s not too late to make a journey through the desert!

My four-week online class on the Wisdom of the Desert Fathers and Mothers has begun over at Spirituality and Practice, if you want to join us it is not too late.  You can still register and once you log on you will be able to read any emails from the first couple of days you might have missed at the website.  Then you can dive right in and continute the journey. . .   If you love becoming a monk in the world, the wisdom of the desert elders is really foundation to this practice.    Consider joining me!

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May all your dreams break into blossoms

For see, the winter is past, the rains are over and gone. The flowers appear on the earth, the time of pruning the vines has come, and the song of the dove is heard in our land. The fig tree puts forth its figs, and the vines, in bloom, give forth fragrance. Arise, my beloved, my beautiful one, and come! –Song of Songs 2:11-13 Dearest kindred souls, I am finally starting to catch up with myself after a few very full weeks. You mean, your online Abbess gets busy and overwhelmed too? Yes, indeed. Sometimes it is impossible to avoid

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Join me on a journey through the desert

Hello dear monk friends,   I am so excited to be offering a 30-day course on desert wisdom and spirituality through the wonderful folks at Spirituality and Practice.  I have been working on completing my manuscript on the desert mothers and fathers this past year, and have absolutely fallen in love with the wisdom and insights they have to offer us in our twenty-first century world.  If you want to explore the roots of Christian monasticism and contemplative practice, this is where you begin.  If you are intrigued by these fierce companions on the journey, here is your chance.   

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How will you practice resurrection? An invitation to deep soul nourishment

Easter blessings my dear monk friends! I hope your Lent was a rich and meaningful journey through the desert to the place of your resurrection. Beyond bunnies, baskets, chocolate, and jelly beans, Easter calls us to the profound practice of resurrection of the body. Resurrection is about entering the fire of our passion and letting it burn brightly. It is about what enlivens us and makes us feel vital, releasing fear and anxiety over what is to come, and embracing this moment here and now.  Resurrection calls us to experience the full weight and lightness of our physical being. In the

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