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Join us for Honoring Saints and Ancestors (starts October 29th)

If you have been following the Abbey for a while, you know that I consider ancestral work vital to the healing and vibrancy of our souls.  I believe that the stories of our mothers and fathers, and the generations before them, live on in our blood and shape our own gifts and wounds.

I have experienced profound healing on this path.  I have even moved to the city of Vienna because of an ancestral call, and here each day I discover new dimensions to my father’s story, and so my own as well.  I consider my journey an essential dimension of monastic stability and discovering the deep roots which support me and from which I draw nourishment.

Starting on October 29th, we have a special 3-week online retreat experience to honor the season of remembrance.  You can register for Honoring Saints and Ancestors here.

You can also register for this retreat along with the upcoming Advent online retreat, where the fabulous Macrina Wiederkehr, OSB will be joining me to bring you reflections on Birthing the Holy during this holy season.  We will also be featuring the beautiful art of Mary Southard, CSJ so do consider joining us for what promises to be a rich and fruitful time.

Some previous posts and reflections on ancestral work:

If any of these stir a longing in your heart, please join us for Honoring Saints and Ancestors.

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