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Hospitality, Trust Tending, and Soul Nourishment

This month’s theme at the Abbey is hospitality. You can find more reflections herehere and here.

There are lots of wondrous resources to share and upcoming classes to consider in support of your own journey of inner hospitality:

Live it to Give it

If you are a soul care practitioner in need of some support in practicing generous hospitality to your own beautiful self, please consider joining Kayce Stevens Hughlett for her upcoming online Soul Care Institute class Live it to Give it: Essential Practices of Soul Nourishment and Self-Care which begins November 5th and offers a wise and generous space for you to learn the art of infusion:

“Deep nourishment doesn’t happen by simply reading a self-help book or taking a sabbatical once every five years. Care needs to be infused within us, until it becomes as natural as breathing. Just as breath nourishes and keeps life flowing, self-care allows us to deeply nurture our personal mind, body and spirit. Through this practice, we are better equipped to offer unhindered care and compassion to those we encounter in our work and the world.” —Kayce S. Hughlett, Live it to Give it

Free e-book on trust tending

The lovely Kristin Noelle has such a gift for creating deeply thoughtful drawings that evoke a sense of spaciousness within.  For me her images never fail to evoke a longing in me for more rootedness, more grace, more trust.  I am still so grateful to her for her contribution to the Monk Manifesto Visual Meditation.

Kristin now offers a beautiful free illustrated e-book about how to navigate the overwhelm that can come from living in today’s online world.  It speaks so much to this month’s theme of hospitality at the Abbey and I encourage you to savor it and let its wisdom really speak to you. (She also has a 30-day e-course called Trust Habits that you can begin at any time).

Join me for the season of remembrance

Consider joining me for my upcoming online retreat Honoring Saints and Ancestors: Peering through the Veil beginning October 29th.  Honor this sacred season of remembrance and practice hospitality to the stories which flow through your blood.

Stop by the Poetry Party

And you are warmly invited to stop by this week’s Poetry Party on the theme of hospitality.  I always adore the insights which show up in that space.  What an amazing and wise community this is.  Please join us there, either by just reading, or by sharing your own poem.

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