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Hildegard and the call of her landscape

I have a guest post up at the Spiritual Directors International blog in celebration of Earth Day and Hildegard of Bingen: “I am the fiery life of the essence of God; I am the flame above the beauty in the fields; I shine in the waters; I burn in the sun, the moon, and the stars. And with the airy wind, I quicken all things vitally by an unseen, all-sustaining life. For the air is alive in the verdure and the flowers; the waters flow as if they lived; the sun too lives in its light; and when the moon

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A New Name (a love note from your online Abbess)

To receive this love note straight to your in-box, subscribe here (and also receive a free gift!) Dearest monks and artists, I am back in Galway after two magical weeks in Vienna.  This past week, Kayce Hughlett and I were leading our first ever retreat in Vienna, exploring the beauty of the city through the contemplative practices of writing and photography.  I had been eagerly anticipating this experience for months, so excited to show others this city I love so much.  To show them Vienna, not through the lens of a tour bus, but through the eyes of the heart. 

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Introducing John Valters Paintner!

I’m a Yankee-Doodle Catholic Greetings to The Abbey of the Arts community! My name is John Valters Paintner. I am blessed to be married to your online Abbess, Christine. And I am honored to be joining her in a more direct manner as your online Prior. I just returned from two weeks in Vienna, Austria where I assisted my wife and Kayce Hughett in leading a retreat. But before I begin more work with the Abbey, I’d like to take this opportunity to tell you all a little about myself, my background and my inspirations. I was born on the

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the winner of this month’s Photo Party random drawing is. . .

. . . Terri Stewart!  Terri, you have won a space in my upcoming online class Eyes of the Heart: Photography as a Contemplative Practice (April 28-June 15, 2013) and a copy of my new book which the class accompanies.  Please email me with your snail mail address for the book and confirm your email for the online class. (Here’s a link to one of Terri’s photos. . .) Please stop by to see all the amazing photos shared.  If you are in the midst of March snow, you might find a little springtime warmth there.  As always, a deep

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Self-Study Springtime Sale

Abbey of the Arts is delighted to announce the addition of three new self-study retreats/classes along with a sale on the price of individual and multiple class registrations until April 21, 2013. Combined Registration Discount Purchase 3 self-study retreats at the already discounted sale price (Women on the Threshold counts as 2 retreats) and receive a 4th retreat for free! The beauty of self-study retreats is you can start the material at any time!  All three make wonderful possibilities for springtime renewal. Fine print: Simply register for 3 self-study retreats (or Women on the Threshold and 1 other) and then

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“Don’t go by the numbers” (a love note from your online Abbess)

To receive this love note straight to your in-box, subscribe here (and also receive a free gift!) Things to Think Think in ways you’ve never thought before. If the phone rings, think of it as carrying a message Larger than anything you’ve ever heard, Vaster than a hundred lines of Yeats. Think that someone may bring a bear to your door, Maybe wounded and deranged; or think that a moose Has risen out of the lake, and he’s carrying on his antlers A child of your own whom you’ve never seen. When someone knocks on the door, Think that he’s

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Jump in the River (a love note from your online Abbess)

Dearest monks and artists, I am having trouble finding the words right now to express the things ripening in my heart. Listen to Joel McKerrow‘s gorgeous performance poem Search which expresses so many layers of what this pilgrimage time has been about for me. His words have been reflecting this journey I am on back to me.  Joel says “They say that a girl who walks the edges of this world will find herself if she looks for long enough.”  When we moved to Ireland I knew I wanted to be on the west coast because I feel called to the wild edges.  I

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