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Category: Monk in the World Guest Post Series


Monk in the World Guest Post: Kate Kennington Steer

I am delighted to share another beautiful submission for the Monk in the World guest post series from the community. Read on for Kate Kennington Steer’s reflection on “Project Wholeness.”  I am currently in the midst of trying to find ways to refine my activities.  I know I need to make an act of creativity the energy focus of my every day because I am positive that my healing will be found this way.  This healing may or may not include physical wellness, but what I am convinced of is that healing is ‘about’ wholeness.  My Inner Witness watches my heart expand every time I

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Monk in the World Guest Post: Nicole Keisler

I am delighted to share another beautiful submission for the Monk in the World guest post series from the community. Read on for Nicole Keisler’s reflection titled Rhythms of Life. Everything here takes time. Even a simple task of washing dishes seem to grow into an event; part of a daily ritual that is as much a part of life here as the rising and setting of the sun. Make the not-so-long-walk to the “kitchen.”  Fill the basin. Carry the water. Wash the dishes. Rinse. Then rinse again. As I slowly wash off the remainders of yesterday morsels in the lean-to that is the scullery,

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Monk in the World Guest Post: Timothy Nickel

I am delighted to share another beautiful submission for the Monk in the World guest post series from the community. Read on for Timothy Nickel’s reflection on dancing with God and each other as hospice chaplain. Silence and Space God is the silence behind all sound, ever present if we listen. God is the empty space amidst all objects, ever present if we behold. These truths inform us … we are always in God’s presence. Indeed we are God’s presence! If we listen for the silence behind all sound, there is God. If we behold the empty space amidst all objects, there is God.

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Monk in the World Guest Post: Kimberly Knowle-Zeller

I am delighted to share another beautiful submission for the Monk in the World guest post series from the community. Read on for Kimberly Knowle-Zeller’s reflection on weeding for life. I’ve never been a gardener. But don’t say my mother never tried to cultivate a love of the dirt and growth and soil and plants. She tried her hardest. She lived in the garden and hoped her daughter would similarly follow suit. Yet, I’ve heard her repeat over to me, “You barely pulled one weed growing up.” Perhaps it was the hard work. Or the heat. Or my impatience. But I didn’t pull many weeds

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Monk in the World Guest Post: Jessica Curtis

I am delighted to share another beautiful submission for the Monk in the World guest post series from the community. Read on for Jessica Curtis’ reflection on the breath prayer of presence – acceptance – love. Recently, while leading a workshop on creating a fulfilling life, I shared the very fulfilling experience I had last year of walking with my mother-in-law through the last days of her life. I hadn’t questioned how fulfilling this experience had been, yet I looked out at many puzzled faces trying to connect their idea of fulfillment with loss and death. It’s no surprise – we often associate fulfillment

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Monk in the Word Guest Post: Laurie Klein

I am delighted to share another beautiful submission for the Monk in the World guest post series from the community. Read on for Laurie Klein’s reflection on using playful gestures for prayer. I wanted to play more. Ultimately, a childhood diversion beckoned. ‘Busy hands are happy hands,’ my mother always said. Raised to work hard at everything, I’ve been productive over the years but often at great personal cost. Excessive intensity wears a girl down. Other people seem to delight in each step toward their goals, a pleasure I find inspiring. And contagious. As a fellow monk in this dangerous, everyday-falling-around-our-ears-world, I want to

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Monk in the World Guest Post: Naomi Kelly

I am delighted to share another beautiful submission for the Monk in the World guest post series from the community. Read on for Rev. Naomi Kelly’s reflection on finding God’s grace in the non-anxious practice of visio divina. Most mornings, when I get up to walk the dog, I take my smartphone with me, keeping the camera poised to snap pictures. What a blessing to have been exposed to the idea of visio divina from Christine and Abbey of the Arts. Everything we pass—trees, rocks, creatures—offers a feeling, a whisper, a message from the Divine.  It’s so much as looking for God to

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