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Category: Lent Easter


May 14: Life – Pilgrimage of Resurrection
(A Creative Journey through the Easter Season)

Word for Today: Life We have a life impulse and a death impulse. Each choice allows us to move toward the things which bring us life. If we don’t choose the path of growth, we can move toward that which drains us of life. — Christine Valters Paintner, The Soul of a Pilgrim: Eight Practices for the Journey Within Reflective Question: What brings you to life? What drains you of life?     Next steps: Let the word, quote, and question inspire your creative practice (Download the list of daily words here.) Use the hashtag  #soulofapilgrim when sharing on social media. Join the Holy Disorder of Dancing

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May 13: New Roads – Pilgrimage of Resurrection
(A Creative Journey through the Easter Season)

Word for Today: New Roads Pilgrimage often draws us to unfamiliar places. When we go on the inner journey we might be especially attentive to seeking out new roads and pathways, unfamiliar routes rather than the usual way we travel. — Christine Valters Paintner, The Soul of a Pilgrim: Eight Practices for the Journey Within Reflective Question: What different route might you take on your inward pilgrimage to help challenge some of the routines, beliefs and stories which keep you stuck? Next steps: Let the word, quote, and question inspire your creative practice (Download the list of daily words here.) Use the hashtag  #soulofapilgrim when sharing

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May 12: Beginnings – Pilgrimage of Resurrection
(A Creative Journey through the Easter Season

Word for Today: Beginnings Pilgrimage is a place of new beginnings. No matter how far I stray from my practice, there is always an invitation to begin again. Not just each day, but each moment offers us the chance to lay a new foundation. — Christine Valters Paintner, The Soul of a Pilgrim: Eight Practices for the Journey Within Reflective Question: Can you simply notice when acedia starts talking, telling you that you are too busy, that stillness isn’t possible for you, and then start again? Next steps: Let the word, quote, and question inspire your creative practice (Download the list of daily

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May 11: Anchor – Pilgrimage of Resurrection
(A Creative Journey through the Easter Season)

Word for Today: Anchor While on pilgrimage, time for silence is essential. I need this anchor, this connection to Source, to remember everything that I am and to not add up the sum of my parts. In the silence, I remember that my life is not wholly good or bad here. The discomfort and the exhilaration are both essential to my experience. — Christine Valters Paintner, The Soul of a Pilgrim: Eight Practices for the Journey Within Reflective Question: Can you allow yourself the time to learn how to deal with the ambiguities and the contradictions in your experience, knowing that on

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Love as a Holy Direction – Pilgrimage of Resurrection through Creative Practice (a love note)

This is the sixth in a series of eight reflections over the season of Easter on making a pilgrimage of resurrection.  Word for Today: Love In the gospel reading for the sixth Sunday, Jesus invites us to abide in love. Certainly this is a process, a pilgrimage journey toward the resurrection gift of love. Think of all of the love songs, movies about love, poems about love, romance novels, paintings of love, and other expressions of what love is. In many ways love is the primal force behind our creative expression. We create art to understand more deeply what it means to

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May 9: Resilience – Pilgrimage of Resurrection
A Creative Journey through the Easter Season

Word for Today: Resilience By staying present to the discomfort of life we grow in our resilience and our ability to recover from the deep wounds that life will offer us. —Christine Valters Paintner, The Soul of a Pilgrim: Eight Practices for the Journey Within Reflective Question: Can you embrace all the vulnerable places inside yourself, and in the process grow in compassion for both yourself and others?     Next steps: Let the word, quote, and question inspire your creative practice (Download the list of daily words here.) Use the hashtag  #soulofapilgrim when sharing on social media. Join the Holy Disorder of Dancing Monks Facebook group to

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May 8: Monk – Pilgrimage of Resurrection
A Creative Journey through the Easter Season

Word for Today: Monk The root of the word “monk” is monos, which means one or single. It isn’t so much about marital status as it is about the condition of one’s heart. When I try to live as a monk, I commit to living my life with as much integrity as possible. —Christine Valters Paintner, The Soul of a Pilgrim: Eight Practices for the Journey Within Reflective Question: How might you answer the monk’s call to live from a commitment to singleness of heart? Next steps: Let the word, quote, and question inspire your creative practice (Download the list of daily words

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