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May 16: Communion of Saints – Pilgrimage of Resurrection
(A Creative Journey through the Easter Season)

Pilgrimage of Ressurection

Word for Today: Communion of Saints

May 16 - Communion of SaintsThere might be wild beasts to encounter: the fierce ones in your own heart. But there are also powers there to help support and guide you. Remember that the threshold is full of shimmering presence.

—Christine Valters Paintner, The Soul of a Pilgrim: Eight Practices for the Journey Within

Reflective Question: Is there an ancestor, or spiritual saint or guide, you could call upon for assistance in times of trouble? Who do you sense from the great “cloud of witnesses” and “communion of saints” traveling alongside you, offering their wisdom through the veil?

Next steps:

Walk the Ancient Paths: Join us on pilgrimage to sacred landscapes>>

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One Response

  1. My husband died almost 9 years ago now, after a long illness. When he was alive, he had trouble sleeping, and used to keep his radio on low all night. (I slept down the hall in another room.) After he died — and his room was empty — I woke one night to hear “his” radio playing. I came to believe he was permitted to communicate comfort to me that way. Even now, in times of particular stress — and in a completely different house over 200 km from where we lived together — I sometimes am wakened by ‘his’ radio. It remains a blessing and a comfort to me for which I am very thankful.