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Category: Lent Easter


April 23: Possibility – Pilgrimage of Resurrection
(A Creative Journey through the Easter Season)

Word for Today: Possibility When we embark on an intentional journey like a pilgrimage, we are making a commitment to live in the space of threshold. Threshold is the liminal place, the place of not knowing how things will turn out. I believe it is the place of possibility. —Christine Valters Paintner, The Soul of a Pilgrim: Eight Practices for the Journey Within Reflective Question: As you continue on your inner pilgrimage, what are the thresholds of your own life? Which thresholds are calling you to cross but feel difficult to face or challenging to imagine? Next steps: Let the

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April 22: Stillness – Pilgrimage of Resurrection
(A Creative Journey through the Easter Season)

Word for Today: Stillness The Desert Mothers and Fathers valued their monastic cell as a vitally important place. As with all things, they view their cells as a way to experience stillness and as a place to quiet their inner life. —Christine Valters Paintner, The Soul of a Pilgrim: Eight Practices for the Journey Within Reflective Question: Can you stay present to the storm of your emotional life, all those feelings, thoughts and voices you do daily battle with? Can you make space to feel your grief and to welcome in your feelings of helplessness, your rage at injustice? Next

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April 21: Mystery – Pilgrimage of Resurrection
(A Creative Journey through the Easter Season)

Word for Today: Mystery When you explore thresholds, it’s about resting into mystery. Learn to live in the liminal space where the old is released but the new hasn’t come into being. —Christine Valters Paintner, The Soul of a Pilgrim: Eight Practices for the Journey Within Reflective Question: How do you respond when you find yourself in this mysterious space of unknowing? Do you try to analyze, order and make sense of the experience? Or do you surrender into the mystery, living in God’s time, rather than your own? Next steps: Let the word, quote, and question inspire your creative practice (Download

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April 20: Threshold – Pilgrimage of Resurrection
(A Creative Journey through the Easter Season)

Word for Today: Threshold [The Desert Mothers and Fathers] journey into the desert was the crossing of a threshold towards an intentional awareness of God’s presence and recognizing that worldly pleasures bring little long-term satisfaction. The aim was to experience God in each moment and activity. —Christine Valters Paintner, The Soul of a Pilgrim: Eight Practices for the Journey Within Reflective Question: What can you do to simplify your life so that each moment offers a window on to the Divine? Next steps: Let the word, quote, and question inspire your creative practice (Download the list of daily words here.) Use the hashtag  #soulofapilgrim when

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Seeing the World Anew: Peace – Pilgrimage of Resurrection through Creative Practice (a love note)

This is the third in a series of eight reflections over the season of Easter on making a pilgrimage of resurrection. Word for Today: Peace In the gospel reading this Sunday, Jesus invites his disciples to see with new eyes. They are frightened and uncertain, because something so radically new is happening. They have grown accustomed to viewing the world in a certain way, but they are called to open their minds and their eyes in new ways. The Gospels are filled with stories about seeing, or not seeing, as the case may be. On the road to Emmaus, a

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April 18: Essence – Pilgrimage of Resurrection
(A Creative Journey through the Easter Season)

Word for Today: Essence Anytime we have a desert experience in our lives, something is stripped away. It may be loss of possessions, loss of identity, or loss of a loved one….This stripping away forces us to return to the essence of things. We are thrust into the arms of what is most sacred to us. —Christine Valters Paintner, The Soul of a Pilgrim: Eight Practices for the Journey Within Reflective Question: How can you practice this kind of letting go every day?   Next steps: Let the word, quote, and question inspire your creative practice (Download the list of daily words

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April 17: Beauty – Pilgrimage of Resurrection
(A Creative Journey through the Easter Season)

Word for Today: Beauty If we’re really honest with ourselves, in a world where terrible things happen there must be room made for doubt. We must give ourselves and others space to wrestle with the essential questions of our lives. Believing in times of beauty and transcendence leads us to the idea there must also be room for something bigger than what we traditionally call faith or belief. —Christine Valters Paintner, The Soul of a Pilgrim: Eight Practices for the Journey Within Reflective Question: What are the unknown shores beckoning to you? Might you yield your resistance and desire for

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