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Community + Give Me a Word ~ A Love Note from Your Online Abbess

A Blessing for Friendship and Community*

God of friendship
I come to know your love and care
through the embodied presence of others.
Weave me together with kindred spirits,
knit me more closely with friends of the soul,
cultivate in me a kinship with humanity
so that I recognize my struggles and joys in others.
In my loneliness reveal to me this communion
and may I be a solace to others who ache for connection.
Transform me through conversation and loving presence.
Help me to see how I am part of a great circle
of pilgrims, witnesses, ancestors, and mystics
who guide me to true connection with You.
Gather me into your great wide heart,
so I might discover I am never separate
but always held in love.

Dearest dancing monks, artists, and pilgrims,

Today we offer the prayers of concern written by Valerie Allen from our Monk in the World Prayer Cycle Day 3 on the theme of community. This prayer cycle explores the principles of the Monk Manifesto.

Monk Manifesto Principle 3: I commit to cultivating community by finding kindred spirits along the path, soul friends with whom I can share my deepest longings, and mentors who can offer guidance and wisdom for the journey.

“God of the yearning ones, we pray for those who long to belong but who struggle to build meaningful and nurturing friendships. Soothe their loneliness and pain with the healing caress of your love. Increase our sensitivity to others and create a space in our hearts for those we find hard to love.  As you embrace us in all our diversity, may our relationships mirror your compassion and acceptance.”

The prayers cycles are a free resource. We are also delighted to offer an 8-week Monk in the World self-study course to further guide you in exploring the principles of the Monk Manifesto.

Every December we come together as a community with our Give Me a Word blog post gathering. We are pleased to offer the 35 day Give Me a Word Self-Study retreat designed to help you contemplate what holiness is birthing within your soul. Each day there will be a different practice offered to inspire, challenge, and support you in listening for the word that wants to be spoken to your heart. Use code GMAW20 to take 20% off.

PLUS – Share your word in the comments section of this blog post, offer loving witness to other dancing monks sharing their journey, and be entered into a prize drawing.

Tomorrow Simon and I will be joined by guest musician Te Martin for our contemplative prayer service on the theme of community. 

On December 20th, I will be joined by dear friends Simon de Voil and Deirdre Ní Chinnéide for a rich retreat to honor the winter solstice

With great and growing love, 


Christine Valters Paintner, OblSB, PhD, REACE

*Blessing written by Christine for a book of blessings (due to be published in spring 2026) 

Community Artwork © Quynh Nguyen

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