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Invitation to Dance: Kinship with Creation – How might you nourish an Earth-cherishing consciousness?

button-danceWe continue our theme this month of “Kinship with Creation” which arose from our Community Lectio Divina practice with the passage from Psalm 104 and continued with this month’s Photo Party and Poetry Party.

I invite you into a movement practice.  Allow yourself just 5 minutes this day to pause and listen and savor what arises.

  • Begin with a full minute of slow and deep breathing.  Let your breath bring your awareness down into your body.  When thoughts come up, just let them go and return to your breath. Hold this image of “Kinship with Creation” as the gentlest of intentions, planting a seed as you prepare to step into the dance.
  • Play the piece of music below (“Serenade” from the album Pachelbel in the Garden, arranged by Dan Gibson) and let your body move in response, without needing to guide the movements. Listen to how your body wants to move through space in response to your breath. Remember that this is a prayer, an act of deep listening. Pause at any time and rest in stillness again.
  • After the music has finished, sit for another minute in silence, connecting again to your breath. Just notice your energy and any images rising up.
  • Is there a word or image that could express what you encountered in this time? (You can share about your experience, or even just a single word in the comments section below or join our Holy Disorder of Dancing Monks Facebook group and post there.)
  • If you have time, spend another five minutes journaling in a free-writing form, just to give some space for what you are discovering.
  • To extend this practice, sit longer in the silence before and after and feel free to play the song through a second time. Often repetition brings a new depth.

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10 Responses

  1. Well I hav’nt done the meditation, but as I read your responses, I felt I saw for a moment the joy of the Lord. He sees His people….and those not yet His people, all over this hemisphere rejoicing and thrilling to see the Spring emerging. Theres a connection and a unity with Him and with each other.

  2. This Invitation to Dance, is healing balm for the soul. It reminds me of a poem by the English mystic, Evelyn Underhill, Immanence, ” I come in the little things, Saith the Lord, Yea! On the glancing wings of eager birds.” Kinship with Creation , draws us very close to Paradise.

  3. To nourish an earth-cherishing consciousness I simply need to look out my window to the wonderful spring erupting here in the mountains of Western North Carolina, and to soak it in as I walk out to get the mail or empty the compost. Just being present!
    This beautiful video was so healing for me today. Thanks.

  4. exquisite dance music…and winged creatures in all their splendor and color…and Sister Water …so refreshing and clear…I was the bird flying with a seed of gratitude in my heart and an olive branch circling in dance the earth for peace…becoming spring…becoming the Christ-ed One in this Paschal season in the waters of rebirth…as the Radiance of the Risen One shines upon the horizon in Easter joy… thank you for this beautiful dance prayer….

  5. Oh, I think I look forward most to this dancing prayer. I need to do it with eyes closed, so keeping feet firmly planted today, I was the tiny seed-then-seedling, unfurling, uncurling, spiraling open to embrace spring. Then my arms became the sun herself! And I needed to hold that pose, shining for all the world and bringing to mind all those for whom prayer requests have been made today. We are all one.