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Invitation to Poetry: Community – Who is your tribe?

Dysert O'Dea

Welcome to Poetry Party #85!

I select an image and suggest a theme/title and invite you to respond with your own poem. Scroll down and add it in the comments section below or join our Holy Disorder of Dancing Monks Facebook group and post there.

Feel free to take your poem in any direction and then post the image and invitation on your blog (if you have one), Facebook, or Twitter, and encourage others to come join the party!  (If you repost the photo, please make sure to include the credit link and link back to this post inviting others to join us).

We began this month with a Community Lectio Divina practice with our reflection on the theme of Community (one of the principles of the Monk Manifesto) and belonging based on a quote by Thomas Merton and followed up with our Photo Party. (You are most welcome to still participate).  We continue this theme in our Poetry Party this month.

The photo above was received at Dysert O’Dea, a monastic ruin in Co Clare, Ireland. It is the doorway over the main church with both human and animal faces carved. How might you express the tribe which supports you in a poem?

You can post your poem either in the comment section below*or you can join our Holy Disorder of Dancing Monks Facebook group (with almost 3000 members!) and post there.

*Note: If this is your first time posting, or includes a link, your comment will need to be moderated before it appears. This is to prevent spam and should be approved within 24 hours.

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19 Responses

  1. My Tribe

    motley crew of
    crazy risk takers
    marathoners, mountain climbers, travelers
    kid lovers, teachers, storytellers

    we pray and protest
    gather to feast
    in our second hand jeans
    break the sound barrier
    with our laughter

    no prim lipped puritans in this blingless bunch

    multiple degrees float around
    the trunks of our second hand cars

    in our blood runs the icy waters of
    northern seas
    our toes dig securely in the gray sand
    from which we were launched

  2. Pass through that low arch
    beneath all these faces you bear
    enter the featureless
    space beyond structure.
    This order you erect – repetitive symmetry, illusion of strength,
    (and yet, these layers have held
    back the weight of that wall,
    have they not?)
    artifice begs you to risk
    passage to what lay beyond.

    Opening exists
    it merely appears to be small
    from where you stand holding back.
    Move closer
    spaciousness awaits.

    1. well, I popped over here from the facebook page, and I was drawn right into the image. however, i totally missed that this was a themed invitation. didn’t notice the ‘who is your tribe’ until the poem was out with its invitation to me.

  3. Abiding





  4. A rainbow of masks
    or is it rays of sunlight
    beings of light
    all are my tribe
    shining and shimmering
    in each moment of time
    in each atom of splendor
    on a day of ash
    we remember all are
    in the Cosmic One

  5. We Are All Connected: Reflections of Serving on a Jury

    Your actions of the past
    Have brought us to this time and place
    Our lives have intersected
    And now I carry your deeds, your family, your friends
    In my being here and now.

    On this journey we are taking together
    I am being touched by strangers along the way
    And I in turn am touching others
    Who will in some way join us on this path.
    God be with us all.

  6. My Family, My Tribe

    This picture made me smile.
    I took a similar photo whist visiting Dysert O’Dea,
    Honeymooning with my bride last May.

    Visiting thin places,
    Always seems to bring me home.
    I feel a kinship with saints of old;
    Fellow travelers on life’s road.

    So much of the world today,
    Is caught up in separatism.
    Each group clamoring for attention.
    We are unique, we are special,
    We are better, we are more important

    Is that what it means to be,
    A part of a tribe or a family?
    The picture above reveals a clue.
    All faces unique, yet together as one.

    Lord may this Lenten season be
    A journey towards wholeness.
    May it be a journey towards healing.
    May we see each other as one family.