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Monk in the World guest post: Ken Peterson

I am delighted to bring you fellow monk in the world Ken Peterson this week. Ken and I first met as part of the Benedictine oblates of St. Placid Priory in Lacey, WA, when I lived in Seattle. He and his wife were recently traveling in Ireland, so it was fun to meet up in one of our favorite Galway pubs for lunch.  Ken has been working for the last couple of years on his new book, which is officially released November 1st: Prayer as Night Falls: Experiencing Compline. It seems especially appropriate that it be published during this season of growing darkness, as Compline is the great night prayer the monks sing to enter into the mystery of silence.  He has been part of the Compline Choir in Seattle for almost 50 years (if you go to this link you can click on podcasts and here past prayers). You can even get a quick taste of this sublime prayer at this YouTube link.

Free Book Giveaway:

Ken is giving away a free copy of his book. To be entered in the drawing leave a comment in the post below by November 8th.  You can share the link to this post on Facebook to receive a second entry, just be sure to first like and then tag this page so Ken can see the posting.

Read on for Ken’s reflections:

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAA recent drive from my native Seattle east to Wenatchee set me to thinking about what I would say about being a “monk in the world.”

The geography of the Pacific Northwest is fascinating, because the Cascade Mountains divide the area into two distinct climates, which are (generally speaking) rain forest and desert. Driving over the mountains, I experience a feeling of expansion in leaving the big city and the cloud cover, and I rejoice in the sunlight and spaciousness of Eastern Washington, with its stark brown hills and sagebrush.

Ken Peterson 1Probably from before recorded history, people sought out some deserted place to pray and meditate, and we, too, seek a place apart from (as Carl McColman put it so well in his guest blog), “our dysfunctional culture.” There are various degrees of physical separation from the world, which run the gamut from living in a physical cloister to just having moments of interior sacred space.  I’m somewhere in the middle, having become a Benedictine oblate three years ago. Although I would never call myself a monk, I am related by my vows to a particular sacred place, the Benedictine Priory of St. Placid, in Lacey, Washington – in a way that is monk-like.

Being a monk in the world is about living a contemplative life in the midst of the world of work and relationships outside a physical cloister. I recently re-read the story of Mary and Martha (Luke 10:38-42). As you remember, Martha was complaining about having to do all the kitchen work while Mary sat listening to Jesus:

But the Lord answered her, “Martha, Martha, you are worried and distracted by many things; there is need of only one thing. Mary has chosen the better part, which will not be taken away from her.” (NRSV).

Reflecting on this reading, I found a meaning that was new for me: that the early Christian monks had conceived the idea of continuous prayer as a way of combining worldly work and contemplation.  In order to pray continuously, the early Christian monks trained themselves to recite a prayer, usually the Jesus Prayer, during all waking hours, until the prayer itself wove itself into the fabric of their every moment.  The Jesus prayer is:  Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.

Just as there are degrees of being physically cloistered, we also have varying degrees of intensity in our daily contemplation (I’m thinking just of an ordinary day, not special times for retreat or silence).  There are times where we have to focus completely on some task, but many times during the day when we can stop all tasks to just be in stillness.  It helps enormously if there are set times during the day that we stop to be still and to pray.  And we have the opportunity in our daily interactions with others to practice other monk-like virtues, such as compassion and humility.

My own path into monkishness started almost fifty years ago, when I joined a group that sang the monastic office of Compline every Sunday evening at the Episcopal cathedral in Seattle. Long before I became interested in who monks were, I was singing chant – doing what monks do. And I was involving myself in the beauty of sacred music, which I know now is a way of being in the Divine Presence. The constant weekly divine office and the encounter with hundreds of works of great beauty has sort of shaped and formed me, as if I were a rock in one of the Cascade Mountain streams.

The photograph included with this blog was taken in Wenatchee, which is in Eastern Washington on the Columbia River. I drove my wife and three other attorneys over the mountains to give free legal services to immigrants who were permanent residents seeking citizenship. I was free to wander around the surrounding area, which is known for its apples. I saw this orchard, with the morning sunlight coming through, and had to stop to marvel at it. The picture probably doesn’t do justice to the depth and color of the leaves, or convey my feeling of peace and wonder. Here were ordered rows of trees, having brought forth a marvelous harvest, and now entering into the season of rest and transformation. Being a monk in the world is to pause frequently to marvel and to rest.

My book Prayer as Night Falls: Experiencing Compline has just been published as you are reading this post. One of the musical examples in the book illustrates the concept of the world versus the cloister. It’s about having a part of our mind where peace and joy exist apart from the dark side of fear, worry, and despair. This is to have a monastery or cloister of the heart.

All the examples from the book are on a public website, and my concept is that the texts can be used as lectio divina, assisted by music. I would love to hear your comments on how this works for you. You can listen to “If we could shut the gate” here. I recommend headphones, especially if you are listening at work. :-)

Thank you, Christine, for inviting me to write here. I pray that we may all find a cloister within, every day that we are given to live.

Kenneth Peterson has sung with the Compline Choir in Seattle since 1964. He taught music before entering into a career in software engineering, and has had a long interest in chant and early music, performing in and also directing ensembles. In 2010 he became a Benedictine oblate at St. Placid Priory in Lacey, Washington. His book Prayer as Night Falls: Experiencing Compline, will be published in November by Paraclete Press. In it he tells the story of the history and themes of the office, woven together with reflections from his own spiritual journey and links to musical examples that accompany the text. For more information, go to

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22 Responses

  1. Thank you Ken for your writing and reflecting upon the experience of being a contemplative monk in the world, using the traditional forms, in this case Compline, that have been harnessed throughout history and that are held out for us to draw life from. The Liturgy of the Hours is one of the most sublime parts of traditional spirituality, a good antidote to the surface level of contemporary culture. Blessings to you and yours.

  2. Your book sounds wonderful, Ken! My favorite hours are Office of Readings (or Vigils) and Compline. I try to pray Vigils at the same time as the monks at the Cistercian Abbey in Rougemont, Quebec, Canada, do, as I have gone there for retreats for a number of years. It’s at 4:20 a.m. And in the evening, it is so peace-giving to turn to God trusting in his mercy and goodness in Compline. I love to sing the hours when I can! Peace and blessings to you!

  3. I have used the Benedictine Hours for many years, especially when I was going through extreme difficulties. However, Compline has always been special. I knew the day was over, the problems passed once I said/sang Compline. I think it is the most important of the hours. I look forward to your book!

  4. Thank you, Ken. I am a lifelong northwest resident in the process of moving from the west side to Wenatchee. I have enjoyed listening to St. Mark’s compline on Sunday nights on the radio and in person. Listening to your recording, I longed to know if I will find a choir in Wenatchee to be a part if. Thank you for your longtime faithfulness to singing in the the St. Mark’s Cathedral choir. I’m sure your book will bring music to the ears, as well.

  5. Thank you for this. I too have spent years living in the Pacific Northwest and have some of my deepest spiritual moments hiking in the wilderness areas of the cascades.

  6. I ‘liked’ the Abbey this morning and, this being the first post I’ve read, I like the Abbey! Thanks or this, Ken. Having just shared with my congregation my experience of ‘running meditation’ (or contemplation) as a way to strip away the “dysfunctional culture” through the use of a mantra, and specifically the Jesus prayer, to align my respiration, heart rate and stride rate, I find your words to be helpful. My runs are often accompanied with opportunities to marvel and to rest.

  7. You cannot imagine the surprise and joy with which I read the first sentence of your lovely blog. Just this week I have started reading ‘The Orchardist’. I am about halfway through. Your thoughts made me realize that I had been focusing on and lamenting the lives of the two young girls, probably because I had two daughters and four of my seven grandchildren are girls. The darkness and despair of their lives has been almost overwhelming, and rightfully so. However, you opened my eyes, again, to the fact that there is never a place so dark that the holy cannot enter and bring some kind of peace.

    You may have read the book, living in the Pacific Northwest, and you will know how seeing the photograph of the apple trees reminded me that even these abused young women found peace lying in the orchards feeling the warmth of sun and gentle touch of breezes.

    Although this is not a “happy” book, it is well written and I will now be looking for and seeing the thin places even in the midst of the fear and despair. Your blog was truly a gift and grace to me. Thank you.

  8. Compline is my favorite office in the Book of Common Prayer. Reading and singing Compline brings the day to full circle and leads me to an inner peace.

  9. Thank you for your sharing, Ken your thoughts on being a monk in the world. I am still working on trying to learn what monkishness means for me. I look to reading your book.

  10. thank you, Ken! for your sharing ~ of thoughts and apple trees ~

    i don’t understand it all ~ not even sure what “compline” means ~ no matter ~ i feel the sense of your sharing ~ and i do like “monkishness” ~ as a word and a feeling ~

    love and light this day ~