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Virtual Book Tour: Review at Find Hope

Next stop on the Virtual Book Tour is Mary Benton’s great review at Find Hope where she describes becoming intoxicated by life:

Eyes of the HeartI went out after work tonight and got drunk. In the woods. With my camera.

There was no food or drink involved – for it was not my body but my spirit that became intoxicated. Allow me to explain.

I first “met” Christine Valters Paintner online a couple of years ago quite by accident – or so I tell myself. I was on the internet one evening, googling something or other. I no longer recall what I was searching for but certainly it was not an online community. What I stumbled across was this: The home page of Christine’s website declared itself “an online global monastery without walls” – a most intriguing claim.

Click here to read the whole review>>

Click here to purchase a copy of Eyes of the Heart>>

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