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Virtual Book Tour: Review at Profoundly Superficial by Annie Wright

Today’s stop on the Virtual Book Tour is a lovely review by Annie Wright at Profoundly Superficial:

Eyes of the HeartPicture this. It is full moon and everything is bathed in a silver light. Lying on your back, you gaze upwards while, in a single long exposure, your camera patiently records the stars as they trace their arc across the night sky. You don’t have to do a thing. You can simply close your eyes and find yourself floating between heaven and earth.

This is slow photography, something I have little experience of, because professionally I must work with quick decisions and instant reflex reactions. Yet secretly I long to bring time to a standstill and focus on the movements of the cosmos.

Christine Valters Paintner’s “Eyes of the Heart” is full of extraordinary insights and exercises that encourage and nurture the budding slow photographer. Here, you will discover that you “receive” photos rather than take them, that you will wait for what “shimmers” and find, as I did, that your “camera isn’t just a tool, it’s a portal”.

Click here to read the whole review>>

Click here to purchase a copy of Eyes of the Heart>>

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