Visit the Abbey of the Arts online retreat platform to access your programs:

Sacred Life Arts is featuring the Abbey and a podcast interview with me

Dana Reynolds is the wise and gracious presence behind Sacred Life Arts and offers so many amazing resources at her site which are in such harmony with the Abbey’s mission. So it was an absolute delight to have the opportunity to be interviewed by Dana. Abbey of the Arts is also the featured resource for the month of August! Stop by her site to see the post or listen to the interview below.  It is about 50 minutes long, so pour a cup of tea and listen for while.  Then make sure to peruse Dana’s other wonderful resources.


Previous Virtual Book Tour stops:

More stops to come this week including more guest posts, interviews, and reviews!

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One Response

  1. Dear Christine,
    I am so grateful that I came upon your website! I too am a Benedictine Oblate and live in Brookfield, WI. I have enjoyed reading through your website and listening to your interview with Dana Reynolds. My heart resonates with so much of what you shared and I am inspired by your insights.
    I am currently involved in ministering to female inmates at our County jail. I plan on using art activities with the inmates to help them work toward healing and discovering who and Whose they are.
    I have ordered some of you books and can’t wait to look through them and use them. I would love to take your online courses but have no money at this time as I am currently moving out of my home and into an apartment. But I hope that someday I’ll be able to be nurtured by all that you have to offer.
    I have shared your website with my fellow oblates here in Wisconsin and my friends who are spiritual directors.
    Thank you so much for all that you have done and continue to do! I am so glad that you are healthy and willing to share your gifts!
    Do you think you might ever be in Southeast Wisconsin? I just can’t believe how much I have in common with you from contemplative living to practicing yoga, having a furry faithful companion and an adventurous spirit!
    Thank you thank you thank you.
    In Gratitude,