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Returning Home

I am home once again from my month of travels, glad to be back among familiar things, my own bed, and most of all with my sweet Tune. 

It was an amazing trip through Austria, Latvia, Germany, and Belgium. I have much to unpack, both literally and metaphorically. My heart is very full, there is so much stirring within me. Plus over 5000 photos to sort through!

The jet lag has hit me hard and so this weekend I will be resting and recuperating, trying to reconnect with this space and time back home. But I am eager to return here on Monday to begin processing my journey with you. I did miss this space of conversation and reflection.

-Christine Valters Paintner @ Abbey of the Arts

(photo from the Central Cemetery Church in Vienna, Austria)

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21 Responses

  1. You are all absolutely WONDERFUL! Thanks so much for your warm and exuberant responses. And a special thanks to kigen and Suz for pre-ordering my book!

  2. Also preordered today. The only bad thing about preordering is that is only makes me want the book RIGHT NOW!

  3. “All the great voyagers return
    Homeward as on an arc of thought;
    Home like a ruby beacon burns
    As they crest wind, scale wave, soar air;
    All the great voyagers return…”

    – From “The Homecoming,” by Barbara Howes

    i like thinking that you are on the other side of an arc of thought …

  4. Lest there be a dependency, it’s hard to admit that we miss you so much, but it’s absolutely instinctive! — Preordered your LECTIO DIVINA at Amazon today to celebrate your homecoming! Love Paulist Press — Hildegard’s SCIVIAS, Julian of Norwich’s SHOWINGS — Teresa’s INTERIOR CASTLE and a ton more — you’re in great company there,
    Big hugs — Kigen

  5. That reminds me of an old camp song, Tess,,,,

    Here we sit like birds in the wilderness, birds in the wilderness, birds in the wilderness
    Here we sit like birds in the wilderness
    Waiting for Christine!

  6. Sooooo glad to see you back. Looking forward to hearing more about your pilgramage.
    Cheryl Mac