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Article on Contemplation (bonus post)

My article on “The Practice of Contemplation as Witness and Resistance” has been published in the October 2007 issue of The Way (a journal of contemporary spirituality published by the British Jesuits).  They have been behind in their production because of the editor’s illness, but the issue is now available.  Click on the link above to read the article.

I also just ran across one of my absolute favorites of the Peanuts comics — it was very tempting to follow Charlie Brown’s lead during those long years in graduate school and it still holds lots of appeal!  I think Tune would embrace this wholeheartedly:

Okay, back to my blog sabbatical . . . :-)  See you in August! 

-Christine Valters Paintner @ Abbey of the Arts

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Monk in the World Guest Post: Therese Taylor-Stinson

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16 Responses

  1. Come back, Christine….I miss you. Praying that your time away has been blessed beyond belief. :)

  2. Thanks for the wishes yolanda and claire, thanks so much for the blog award — so kind of you! And SS I am so glad you liked the article, and even more glad you shared your reflections with me here. :-)

  3. Christine, I know you probably won’t read this comment for a while but that matters little – just to say I printed out your article and took it for bedside reading last night. It was VERY encouraging reading for me as I’m in this spot of adjusting to just “being”. “Just being” in emotional life, spiritual routine, discretionary time is a bit tricky after being so driven by a business life schedule for so many years. Thank you for an article that personally was beneficial to my quest for balance in daily living.
