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Returning Home

I am home once again from my month of travels, glad to be back among familiar things, my own bed, and most of all with my sweet Tune. 

It was an amazing trip through Austria, Latvia, Germany, and Belgium. I have much to unpack, both literally and metaphorically. My heart is very full, there is so much stirring within me. Plus over 5000 photos to sort through!

The jet lag has hit me hard and so this weekend I will be resting and recuperating, trying to reconnect with this space and time back home. But I am eager to return here on Monday to begin processing my journey with you. I did miss this space of conversation and reflection.

-Christine Valters Paintner @ Abbey of the Arts

(photo from the Central Cemetery Church in Vienna, Austria)

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21 Responses

  1. I LOVE the photo!! It reminds me of the ceiling of the church of the Beatitudes in Israel where the beauty of the ceiling called me to the heavens.

  2. Christine,

    What a lovely surprise! I didn’t expect you for one more day.

    The picture is stunning and I can’t wait to see and hear more of your trip.

    I really missed your “Abbey Home.”


  3. Welcome back…..its so nice to see you here again :D
    That’s alot of photos! I’m happy you’ve had this wonderful traveling experience. We look forward to hearing and seeing your stories.

  4. Welcome home, Christine! Rest, rest, rest…give yourself time. Its’ good to have you back. :)