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Sacred Arts Ring

I am pretty exhausted from a weekend full of teaching a wonderful group of students, so I share here a small selection of offerings from the Sacred Arts Ring:

Gifts of poetry at Snow on Roses and Pilgrim Path.  Lisa shares some of her inspiring SoulCollage cards here.  I love this piece from Kate.  Melissa always takes beautiful photos of her daughters, my favorites are the two in the middle reflected in the glass.  Bette shares an image accompanied by poetry of luminaries.

Blessings on the week ahead!

-Christine Valters Paintner @ Abbey of the Arts

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3 Responses

  1. I enjoyed visiting your offering from the Sacred Arts Ring.

    I am lingering on your site tonight as I’ve just been back to O’Donohue’s site again to read more about him. Truly a physical loss to the world but an amazing legacy to have left at such a young age!