Tess at Anchors andMasts tagged me for this meme. The rules are: People who are tagged start by thinking about 7 random facts/habits about themselves. Each player then must write about those seven things on their blog, as well as include these rules. Players then need to choose 7 people to tag and list their names. Don’t forget to leave each person a comment telling them they’ve been tagged.
1. I am not a big reader of fiction, I much prefer nonfiction. In the last ten years the only novel I have read that I can think of is The Secret Life of Bees (which I adored)
2. When I am at home working all day by myself, I never turn on music or the television. I like to work in absolute silence and feel blessed that despite being in an urban neighborhood, our home is very quiet.
3. While I love classical music, when I drive in the car I like to listen to music that makes me sing out loud such as How To Save A Life by The Fray, Films for Radio
by Over the Rhine, Stars: The Best of the Cranberries, 1992-2002
, The Best of Red Hot Chili Peppers
, or anything by U2.
4. I adore kale. Lacinato kale is my favorite, sauteed with some parmesan sprinkled on top.
5. I dream of spending the summers in New Zealand so I can have winter all year long.
6. I started working with a nutritionist recently and she has me drinking things like kefir, raw milk, kombucha, oat straw infusion, and nettle infusion every day. And I love all of them.
7. When I was a little girl my very first word was “doggie” and I wanted to marry Snoopy.
(This is sort of along the lines of the five things you don’t know about me meme and I am proud that I did not repeat myself)
I tag Rich, Bette, Juniper, Rachel, Carla, Milton, Cathleen, and anyone else who wants to play!
11 Responses
I knew you’d understand the Snoopy connection Lucy ;-)
so fun to see this side(s) of you! i, of course, believe snoopy would have been a fine choice to marry! and i am going to have to go check out the cranberries.
Thanks for the book recommendation Shaula and Cathleen, I may have to break down and read another novel.
Bette, I love that you love the chili peppers too! :-)
Christine, Thanks for the tag – finally got it posted. I was also tagged by Lucy, but only listed 7 not 14.
I too liked “The Secret Life of Bees” but “The Mermaid Chair” stirred my heart and soul in ways I needed.
Add me to the Cranberries and Red Hot Chili Peppers lovers list!
Thanks for the tag-o-rama, Christine. I’m currently making my list and will post it soon.
I think its sooooo cute that you wanted to marry Snoopy! Fun stuff!
Sue Monk Kidd’s The Mermaid Chair is also great.
Fellow Cranberries lovers, how wonderful! :-) And thanks for the notice about her new album Milton.
Bless you too Rachel.
Thanks for the tag sister! Just the pick me up I needed – to feel connected again. Bless you dear one.
Thanks for the tag — Anchors and Masts also tagged me, so I guess I will consider it a sign. BTW, Dolores Riordan has a new solo album.
I absolutely adore the Cranberries!! When I saw them in concert Dolores’ voice blew me away.