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Making Space: Book Giveaway (Part 1)

I have been in a process of cleaning things out, making room for something new.  I have several books that I have either read or probably won’t get a chance to read and I thought some of my readers might be interested in.  All you have to do is read over the list, select one or two titles that interest you, then leave a comment with your request.  I will email you for your mailing address and send it to you by media mail.  Read through the comments before requesting a title to make sure it wasn’t claimed already.  I will try and go in and cross off the ones requested as they go.

I would rather these books end up in homes where people want them, plus its fun to send real mail.  I promise I am not selling your mailing addresses to some database somewhere!

So what’s the catch?  Just a desire to spread a little bit of generosity in a season that can too often make people feel crazy. 

If you aren’t sure about a title, feel free to look up the description at  It would take me too long to provide links for all of them.

The Practice of Poetry edited by Robin Behn and Chase Twichell

Sabbaths by Wendell Berry

A Meeting of Mystic Paths: Christianity and Yoga by Justin O’Brien

Plain and Simple by Sue Bender

Burning Bright: Anthology of Sacred Poetry edited by Patricia Hampl

Vespers: Contemporary American Poems of Religion and Spirituality edited by Suarez and Can Cleave

Odd Angles of Heaven: Contemporary Poetry by People of Faith edited by Craig and McCann

Heaven in Stone and Glass: Experiencing the Spirituality of Great Cathedrals by Robert Barron

Centering: In Pottery, Poetry, and the Person by M.C. Richards

What Really Matters to Me: A Guided Journal by Robyn Conley-Weaver

The Book of Self-Acquaintance: A Guided Journal by Margaret Tiberio

The Art of Soul: Meditations for the Creative Spirit by Joy Sawyer

Life Prayers from Around the World by Elizabeth Roberts and Elias Amidon

The Art of Ritual by Beck and Metrick

The Art and Craft of Paper-Making by Sophie Dawson

Tabletop Fountains: 40 Easy Projects to Make by Dawn Cusick

Your Life As Story by Tristine Rainer

Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life by Anne Lamott

Making a Literary Life by Carolyn See

If You Want to Write by Brenda Ueland

The War of Art: Breaking Through the Blocks to Win Your Inner Creative Battles by Steven Pressfield

There will be some more listings in a few days as I weed through piles.

Blessings, Christine Valters Paintner

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18 Responses

  1. Dear Christine,

    I’d be interested in Making a Literary Life by Carolyn See. I always enjoy her books reviews in the Washington Post.

    Christine, happily for me, I discovered your blog when I typed in “Expressive Arts” and “spirituality” on google. The intertwining speaks to me, and now each day I look forward to tuning in to your honest writing and questioning.

    Best wishes,
    Theresa Walker, Washington DC

  2. I would love the following:

    Odd Angles of Heaven: Contemporary Poetry by People of Faith edited by Craig and McCann

    Life Prayers from Around the World by Elizabeth Roberts and Elias Amidon


  3. Christine,

    I bow to you, giving away books; I don’t know if I’d EVER be able to do that! I love the idea…making room for something new. Maybe I;ll give away some clothing instead. :)

    A friend of mine and I just led an Advent Prayer through Art Making day of prayer this past weekend, where the participants used a cigar box to represent the womb space, or the clearing of a space. I’ve enjoyed reading your recent posts on the subject. Always so beautiful.

    If it’s still available, I am interested in Bird by Bird by Anne Lomott.

    Many blessings on your day,

  4. what a wonderful selection! heh, i already have too many books on my bedside table, otherwise i’d be printing my requests here :) blessings.

  5. The Practice of Poetry edited by Robin Behn and Chase Twichell

    The Art and Craft of Paper-Making by Sophie Dawson

    Ooooooooooh I restrained myself to two…You are so awesome. BTW I read through your posts on your RA – now I understand a bit more the depth of your exhaustion when you talk about it.

  6. This is so kind of you. I am inspired to do the same. We just bought a bunch of new books, knowing we didn’t have shelf space for them and I was planning to donate some to the library. I think I may hold a few back for sharing online.

    I would love The Art of Soul by Joy Sawyer and Life Prayers from Around the World.

    You offer a beautiful selection of books. I’m so glad I happened across your blog one day…not because you’re giving away books but because you selected the books and they say a lot about you.

    I hope you are feeling better.

  7. Wow, this is very cool and generous Christine! What jumped out for me right away was Life As Story by Tristine Rainer, and Heaven in Stone and Glass: Experiencing the Spirituality of Great Cathedrals by Robert Barron : )

    Thank you so much for offering these lovely books Christine! I hope your advent has been going peacefully and blessedly : )

  8. What fun!
    Several weeks ago I realized that my black tea passion is keeping me up nights. I initally thought I’d Freecycle it. But then I wondered if I’d share it with the blogging community. And then I wondered if people would think I’m strange for doing so. Once again you’ve inspired me! I may have a tea bag give-away fest!

    May all these books find their way into the hands of those who will treasure and love them well.

    Blessings for sweet dreams,