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November Gathering: Standing at Mount Sinai

Join us for our next Monthly Gathering on Friday, November 10th!

We will explore the Holy moments of encountering the Divine at Mount Sinai using bibliodrama, a spontaneous role playing method for exploring sacred texts.  Participants will be guided throughout the easy process.  Sacred stories have profound energy and meaning.  When you take a step inside them and speak from the spontaneity of your Soul, new understanding as well as deep personal relevance can emerge.  All are invited to participate; and it is okay to come observe.

Facilitator: Cynthia Gayle, MC, LMHC, CP is a psychotherapist, and a psychodramatist, with a specialty in bibliodrama, the exploration of sacred texts and spirituality using spontaneous role playing.  She has facilitated this Sacred Drama with small and large groups in various venues and created experiential liturgy.  She is a graduate of Awakening the Creative Spirit program and currently attends Lev Shomea, “Listening Heart”, training in spiritual direction in the Jewish tradition.  She has newly joined the board of The Creating Space.  She can be reached at

9:45 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. St. Joseph Parish Center, 732 18th Avenue E, Seattle
Mother Theresa Room (Go inside, down the stairs and to the left)
Please RSVP to Christine Paintner at (206) 329-3110 or
New participants are always welcome to join us!
$10 suggested donation. Refreshments provided. Time following the program for networking.

I absolutely adore bibliodrama and Cynthia is such a great facilitator.  She led one of our Gatherings last year and it was fabulous, fun, and powerful.  Drama is not how I am naturally led to express myself in the arts, but Cynthia sets things up so well, you just enter into the scene and it yields incredible insights through the process.

Come join us!

-Christine Valters Paintner

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2 Responses

  1. This sounds inviting ~ I just wish Seattle weren’t days away from Michigan!! And Nov 10 is the 20th birthday of my oldest daughter so we will be celebrating and remembering that drama of the blessed gift of life! Blessings, Cathleen