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Happy Second Bloggiversary to Me!

All the arts we practice are apprenticeship. The big art is our life. -M.C. Richards Last Friday was my two-year Bloggiversary!  Hard to believe I have been showing up in this space for that long.  It makes me smile to look at my Poetry category in the sidebar and see the number of entries at over 100. When I first began, my blog was called the Sacred Art of Living, a name I still love, but I found there was occasional confusion with this fine place of the same name.  So when I launched my brand new website I transferred

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Visual Meditation: Cloisters (Part One)

“In poetry, language is not the only medium; silence is also a medium. We might even say that, in poetry, the very purpose of the language is to inflect the silences. It’s like after church bells ring: the air resonates with their sound. In poetry, the silences are resonant, from the language that precedes them. . .The silence in poetry is like space in a Gothic cathedral. The function of all that mass of carved stone is to shape a sacred space.” -Li Young Lee  The Cloisters, a branch of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, is one of my favorite places in all of

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Abbey Bookshelf: Silence & Sabbath Edition

I have been listening a lot these days.  My life feels full and rich and I am also feeling a bit gluttonous for wanting it all, not really wanting to say no to anything.  There is a playful, exuberant little girl inside of me relishing the sheer abundance of possibility. And yet there is also my inner hermit who hears the call of spaciousness, the invitation to make sure in the coming months as my work energy shifts and continues to pick up speed, that I also have time to spend with my beloved, with my dear Abbess, with my amazing friends, and oh yes, time just

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Invitation to Poetry: Inner Compass

Poetry Party #17! I select an image and suggest a title and invite you to respond with your poems, words, reflections, quotes, song lyrics, etc. Leave them in the comments or email me and I’ll add them to the body of the post as they come in along with a link back to your blog if you have one (not required to participate!) I’ll add your contributions all week and then I will draw a name at random on Saturday morning from everyone who participates and will send the winner their choice of zine. When I was in Maine I was

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Visual Meditation: “The heart can push the sea”

Excerpted from “Renascence” The world stands out on either side No wider than the heart is wide; Above the world is stretched the sky, — No higher than the soul is high. The heart can push the sea and land Farther away on either hand; The soul can split the sky in two, And let the face of God shine through. But East and West will pinch the heart That can not keep them pushed apart; And he whose soul is flat — the sky Will cave in on him by and by. -Edna St. Vincent Millay (who lived in

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Sacred Artist Interview: Naomi Teplow

This week’s Sacred Artist Interview is with Naomi Teplow.  I first discovered her work while looking for pieces for the Presence journal (I love how this work gives me an excuse to find artists I love and contact them).  She designs Ketubahs (Jewish marriage contracts) and other illuminated manuscripts, so after last week’s Abbey Bookshelf you can understand why I love her work so much.  I find Hebrew script to be especially beautiful.  I am grateful to Naomi for participating: Are you rooted in a particular faith tradition? I’m a Jewish Israeli from a secular Kibbutz, and though I’m not religious,

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Visual Meditation: “Pour yourself out like a fountain”

      Sonnets to Orpheus, Part Two, XII Want the change. Be inspired by the flame where everything shines as it disappears. The artist, when sketching, loves nothing so much as the curve of the body as it turns away. What locks itself in sameness has congealed. Is it safer to be gray and numb? What turns hard becomes rigid and is easily shattered. Pour yourself out like a fountain. Flow into the knowledge that what you are seeking finishes often at the start, and, with ending, begins. Every happiness is the child of a separation it did not

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Abbey Bookshelf: Illuminated Manuscripts

Today I am continuing our theme this week of illumination.  Several weeks ago I did my Sacred Artist Interview with Jan Richardson.   I shared the kinship I have felt with Jan because of her love of illuminated manuscript and the way they serve as inspiration for her own work.  Several years ago Phil Cousineau edited these two wonderful books (which you can still find used copies of) — The Soul of the World: A Modern Book of Hours and The Soul Aflame: A Modern Book of Hours, which was really the first place I had ever seen anyone create a contemporary version of

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Invitation to Poetry: Illuminated from Within

Poetry Party #16! I select an image and suggest a title and invite you to respond with your poems, words, reflections, quotes, song lyrics, etc. Leave them in the comments or email me and I’ll add them to the body of the post as they come in along with a link back to your blog if you have one (not required to participate!) I spent this past weekend leading a parish women’s retreat at a beautiful place with a wonderful group.  On Saturday we had *perfect* spring weather, brilliant warm sunshine, and daffodils blooming in abundance.  In honor of the luminous

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Visual Meditation: “To Face the Strange New Earth”

Adam Marveling he stands on the cathedral’s steep ascent, close to the rose window, as though frightened at the apotheosis which grew and all at once set him down over these and these. And straight he stands and glad of his endurance, simply determined; as the husbandman who began and who knew not how from the garden of Eden finished-full to find a way out into the new earth. God was hard to persuade; and threatened him, instead of acceding, ever and again, that he would die. Yet man persisted: she will bring forth.   Eve Look how she stands,

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