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Fall Equinox Friday Five

The RevGalBlogPals have a Friday Five that I don’t usually play, but this one is about one of my favorite topics and I am procrastinating on getting real work done!

Five favorite things about fall:

1) A fragrance: The smell of my rosemary orange chicken roasting in the oven.  So simple, so incredibly satisfying.

2) A color: The vibrant red hue of a Japanese maple in autumn, watching the amber glow of the fire in the fireplace.

3) An item of clothing: My old, cozy black fleece hooded jacket.  Great over my pajamas when I am working from home. I also love being able to bring back out the down comforter and snuggle under it.  To me, fall is all about the snuggling.

4) An activity: Each morning I take a prayer walk, a time to become fully present to what nature is inviting me to consider. In autumn my heart is flung wide open by the beauty and I simply rest in the awe.

5) A special day: October 19th, the anniversay of my mother’s death.  This year will be the fifth anniversary and I am planning some retreat time away at one of my favorite places.

What about you?   I’d love to hear your Fall favorites!

Have a marvelous weekend.

** Come back on Monday for our next Poetry Party! **

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11 Responses

  1. Mmmm, yes, snuggling for me, too. And your recipe made me wish I ate chicken (there’s something about it that disagrees with me).
    You know, something about this post took me straight back to a day maybe 30 years ago, when I went for a long crispy fall walk with my then honey, and we came back hungry as hunters to a glorious dish of baked sausages with apple rings and mashed potatoes smothered in fried onions. It was a perfect day.