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How Does God Keep from Fainting?

The wonder of water moving over that rock in the stream justifies existence. The swish of a horse’s tail – again I am stunned by the grandeur of the unseen One that governs all movement. I resist looking at the palms of my hands sometimes. Have you ever gotten breathless before a beautiful face for I see you there, my dear. There is a wonderful problem waiting for you that God and I share: how to keep from fainting when we see each other. In truth: how does God keep from fainting looking at Himself all day? Light is moving

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Letting Your Old Life Die

Quietness Inside this new love, die. Your way begins on the other side. Become the sky. Take an axe to the prison wall. Escape. Walk out like somebody suddenly born into color. Do it now. You’re covered with thick cloud. Slide out the side. Die, and be quiet. Quietness is the surest sign that you’ve died. Your old life was a frantic running from silence. The speechless full moon comes out now. -Rumi

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New books coming in 2011

In the midst of my sorrow, waiting, and unknowing, there has also been great joy here at the Abbey.  I am blessed to be able to dedicate a great deal of time to writing these days which makes my heart sing.  While they are not due out until April and July 2011, there is a special delight that happens when an author gets to see her book covers and anticipate holding them in her hands.  I love what both publishers have created for the exterior to support the books’ messages inside and am eager to share these resources with you, dear

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Autumn’s Call

Today is the Autumn Equinox and we enter my favorite half of the year.  These days have been marked by a heaviness here at the Abbey though.  My mother-in-law who has Alzheimer’s has been declining rapidly as of late.  And in the last couple of weeks our sweet old dog Tune has developed canine cognitive dysfunction, which essentially leads to increased confusion, anxiety, and distress, similar to Alzheimer’s in humans.  She is on medication now which is helping, but still the signs are there.  The anniversary of my own mother’s death is less than a month away.  As fall begins its brilliant journey I am being thrust

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Saint Bernard in the fields at Clairvaux. For Hilary.

Saint Bernard in the fields at Clairvaux. For Hilary. That day as the sun set, its afterglow flooded the world with light like the meeting of heaven and earth; then the great bell of the abbey tolled the vesper; the workers in the fields lowered their scythes and bowed their heads or knelt on the sharp stubble; a grasshopper rested on the rough hem of my robe; nature held its breath and knew eternity I listened as the echo of the bell took all my listening, and then was heard no more; but listening remained; the silence became full of

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Happy Feast of Hildegard of Bingen

Today is the Feast of Hildegard of Bingen, here is a reprint from an earlier blog post last year about my love for her: Hildegard of Bingen was my doorway into the Benedictine life.  While in graduate school I was studying for my “History of Christian Spirituality” comprehensive examination (a fearful and awesome task if there ever was one) and actually had a slight disdain for those ancient monks.  My spirituality up until that point had been quite infused by the Ignatian vision of working for justice.  I was turned off by the body-denying practices of monasticism (at least in

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$1000 donated to Gulf Oil Spill Restoration Fund

Last week I offered to donate 50% of the profits from registrations for two of the Abbey’s online classes for those who registered in the last couple of days.  I am delighted to report that the response was great and I was able to make a donation of $1000 to National Wildlife Federation’s Gulf Oil Spill Restoration Fund!  Thank you so much for your support of the Abbey.  (Registration for  Eyes of the Heart: Photography as a Contemplative Practice is still available – begin the class at any time!) You can make your own donation to NWF here. Make sure you go by this

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Invitation to Poetry: Autumn Blessings

Welcome to Poetry Party No. 47! I select an image and suggest a theme/title and invite you to respond with your poems or other reflections. Add your responses in the comments section. Feel free to take your poem in any direction and then post the image and invitation on your blog (if you have one) and encourage others to come join the party! (permission is granted to reprint the image if a link is provided back to this post) Please post your poem in the comments section below (feel free to include a link to your blog – it would

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Spiritual Renewal in Times of Crisis

Patheos periodically offers a theoblogger challenge to respond to a question in 100 words or less.  I wasn’t able to respond in time to be included in their list, but offer my response here.  Stop by their website to see the other responses.  Here is the prompt: Faced with an unexpected personal crisis, each of us is propelled on a unique journey through grief, without a clear road map or how-to instructions. With the recent release of the movie Eat, Pray, Love, about one woman’s spiritual quest after a bitter divorce, we’ve been thinking about the ways each of us seeks

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Latest Reviews of Water, Wind, Earth, & Fire

Two wonderful new reviews of Water, Wind, Earth, and Fire: The Christian Practice of Praying with the Elements (click the link to purchase your own copy on Reviewed by Spiritual Directors International: Spiritual director Christine Valters Paintner describes sitting on an Oregon coastal shore piled with sand and stones, watching the setting sun while gulls glide on a Pacific Ocean breeze. She writes, “Here in this place, wind, water, earth, and fire all meet in a glorious window onto the Divine extravagance” (138). Encountering the four elements in one place is exactly what Water, Wind, Earth, and Fire does, inviting

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