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Visual Meditation: Oasis in the Desert

I am heading off to the desert for a time of Lenten retreat and leave you with some rainy day images from the Kubota Japanese Garden here in Seattle.  The desert mothers and fathers will be my companions for this journey.  My heart is ready to move into silence to listen for a deeper voice.  I’ll let you know some of what I discover upon my return.  (Click here for a visual meditation on tulips.)

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Monk in the World Guest Post: Sharon Clymer Landis

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10 Responses

  1. There -the dew drop
    There -the circling,shimmering waters
    Life moistening life.

  2. Dear Christine,

    All your photography is amazing, but the two water photos and the (last) stone photo especially touched my soul. Thank you for this gift.
    May you be further blessed in the desert.

  3. Each image,
    exquisite beauty,
    opens my heart,
    and again.

    Thank you. May Ancient Love accompany you in the desert Christine.

  4. Those water images just made me gasp! Thanks for sharing your photography gift with us…

  5. Each image is so perfect, unique in it’s manifestation of the Divine. Thank you for reminding me to look ever closer.