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The Power of Archetypes

Archetypes are symbols or patterns which appear across cultures.  We find them in the great myths and stories of religious traditions, we find them in our nighttime dreams.  They are active within each of us as a multiplicity of energies which we can draw upon.  When we are living from a place of balance and fullness we have access to more dimensions of ourselves. 

Most of us tend to identify with a few dominant archetypes.  Maybe you find a powerful sense of life purpose in caring for others and identify more with the Mother archetype.  Maybe your story carries a lot of abandonment and you identify with the Orphan.  Here at the Abbey we explore the inner Monk (the aspect of us seeking presence to the sacred in all things) and inner Artist (the aspect of us seeking to give form to beauty in the world) a great deal.

Each archetype has a shadow side and a light side.  Exploring them illuminates our places of growth, calls us to step fully into our deepest passions in service to the world, and ultimately bring us to a place of greater internal freedom. They can be deeply supportive of the creative process, opening up access to different resources within us.  The archetypes can offer us a powerful support for our creative living and reflection on what our passions are and what holds us back.  They connect us to the place where Spirit is alive and moving in us.

When we over-identify with one or two archetypes our lives feel more narrow and constricting.  We sense there is a greater fullness awaiting us but we need to draw on different energies to access this inner spaciousness – for some the Warrior is a challenging energy to experience and yet it is the place within us that creates strong boundaries and protection for what is most valuable.  For others, the Sovereign may be a place of growth, calling upon this archetype can offer a sense of strength in taking full responsibility for your choices in life.

Join me this Easter season for a journey of practicing resurrection When the forty days of Lent are over will you enter into the season that celebrates new life by giving yourself time for creative exploration and discovery?

I am delighted to have several marvelous teaching partners including Kayce Hughlett who will reflect on the archetypes and offer SoulCollage(R) and other meditations, Betsey Beckman who will offer guided movement experiences, and River’s Voice who will be offering their music.

Ready to join us in practicing your own resurrection?

The scripture readings are archetypal which means that they reflect back to us the sacred energies and voices within each of us.  We will be exploring the following themes together through reflection, meditation, creative explorations, movement, and song:

Week One: Sunday, April 24th – Easter

  • Artist/Creator – I am the One who creates anew, who brings things to life

Week Two: Sunday, May 1st – Doubting Thomas

  • Doubter – I am the One who questions and doubts

Week Three: Sunday, May 8th – Road to Emmaus

  • Journeyer – I am the One who journeys and seeks

Week Four: Sunday, May 15th – Jesus as Gatekeeper

  • Gatekeeper/Warrior – I am the One who sets and protects boundaries

Week Five: Sunday, May 22nd – I am the way truth and life

  • Truth-Teller/Sage – I am the One who tells the truth

Week Six: Sunday, May 29th – If you love me, you will keep my commandment

  • Lover – I am the One who loves

Week Seven: Sunday, June 5th – Ascension

  • Sovereign – I am the One who lives into my own power

Week Eight: Sunday, June 12th – Pentecost (end of retreat)

  • Magician – I am the One who transforms

You can sign up for the Easter retreat here! (registration ends Sunday, April 24th)

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