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The Artist’s Rule is featured at the Patheos Book Club

I am delighted that The Artist’s Rule will be one of the featured books at the Patheos Book Club for the last half of August. Visit the book club page to find: an interview with me about contemplation and creativity an excerpt from the book (chapter 1) a link to a blogger’s roundtable where folks will be posting in response to my book during the next couple of weeks.  The first two are lovely posts by Carl Gregg and Eliacin. I will post updates with links here.

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The Misguided Monk

I am so delighted to run across this video, shared with me by my good friend and fellow monk Tess, who blogs over at Pilgrim’s Moon (a wonderful resource for growing older with wisdom and consciousness). Watch this and see if it doesn’t shift your perspective on distractions in meditation (or at least make you smile).  I love that the dog in this video looks just like our sweet Amma Winter.

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Art, Delight, and the Spiritual Life (a guest post at Anam Cara)

I am delighted to have a guest post up at Anam Cara, the spiritual direction site run by the delightful Tara Owens.  Tara asked me to write about “art, delight, and the spiritual life” and here is an excerpt: When Tara asked me to write about art, delight, and the spiritual life it was really that word “delight” which shimmered for me. Summer for me is a season of savoring sweetness and delight, of relishing the gift of abundance as I walk through our weekly farmer’s market or watch my dog romp and play in wide open fields or cherish long

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New “innerview” on lectio divina at the Sunshine Abbey

The lovely Claudia Mairs Burney who hosted my article on The Artist Begins Again and Again also invited me to an “innerview” on the practice of lectio divina.  Here is an excerpt: What do these sacred words do for the soul? Words can illuminate our hearts; they contain the seeds of invitation to cross a new threshold.  Words ripen within us.  We can receive a word and not realize its full impact for our lives for a long while until one day we suddenly see things differently. I often find lines of poems singing in my heart for months after

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New review of The Artist’s Rule at Image Journal!

Image Journal is one of my favorite resources for integrating art, faith, and mystery. Produced by the fine people at Seattle Pacific University and hosts of the wonderful annual Glen workshop (which I have had the joy of attending twice before), I am thrilled to read this beautifully-written review of The Artist’s Rule in their latest email newsletter: The Artist’s Rule, by Christine Valters Paintner, is a work of deft matchmaking between two human archetypes: the monk and the artist. As a Benedictine oblate and spiritual director, Paintner has the gifts needed to distill the wisdom of an ancient monastic

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The Artist Begins Again and Again (a guest post at the Sunshine Abbey)

Claudia Mairs Burney is the Abbess at the lovely Sunshine Abbey where I have a guest post today on the wisdom of beginning again: As artists and creative people we are filled with the best of intentions.  We have big visions and a longing to express ourselves freely and fully. We begin a project – whether writing a book, painting a canvas, or composing a song – with enthusiasm and full of confidence.  Then somewhere along the way we find our energy waning, and the artwork we once felt such delight in has now become a source of vexation.  It hangs over

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A new review of The Artist’s Rule

The lovely Claire over at A Catholic Woman’s Place has posted a review of The Artist’s Rule: Nurturing Your Creative Soul through Monastic Wisdom and has some really wonderful things to say.  Here is an excerpt: It is one of the best books I have read in the past decade, one of these works which is a seeker’s and a blogger’s dream: it is filled with idea of reflections, meditations, and quotes that trigger self-exploration and self-understanding. I do not want to tell you all that is inside this book. I would like you to be surprised and enchanted by

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Invitation to Poetry: The Great Journey

Welcome to the Abbey’s 52nd Poetry Party! I select an image and suggest a theme/title and invite you to respond with your own poem.  Scroll down and add it in the comments section below. Feel free to take your poem in any direction and then post the image and invitation on your blog (if you have one) and encourage others to come join the party! (permission is granted to reprint the image if a link is provided back to this post) On Sunday, August 14th, I will draw a name at random from the participants and the winner will receive a

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“Perhaps there is a moon shining”

During these hot summer days I find I want to merge with the coolness and mystery of stones.  Here is a poem offering just for the joy of poetry. Look for a new Poetry Party on Monday (and a return to regular ones this fall!) Stone Go inside a stone That would be my way. Let somebody else become a dove Or gnash with a tiger’s tooth. I am happy to be a stone. From the outside the stone is a riddle: No one knows how to answer it. Yet within, it must be cool and quiet Even though a

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New guest post at Bliss Chick

Stop by my latest guest post at the fabulous Bliss Chick on The Creative Soul as a Monk in the World. Monastic Wisdom to Nurture Creative Rhythms We have probably all had those times when the creative work just isn’t flowing like we want it to and it seems like such hard work to push forward.  I find a great deal of wisdom in monastic spirituality for creative flourishing. The Seasons of the Day The first is an awareness of the seasons.  Monks traditionally pray what is called the Liturgy of the Hours, gathering together up to seven times each

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