Prayer Cycle / The Love of Thousands / Day 7
Day 7: Ancestral Earth and Deep Time & The Love of Thousands
Video, Audio and Written Guides for Morning and Evening Prayer
Morning Prayer: Ancestral Earth and Deep Time
Video podcast coming in Fall 2024
We are descended from thousands of generations of people, but also from the beasts and birds, the mountains and forests, the seas and sky. This morning we remember that we are of this Earth, kindred with everything alive. Ancient One, remind us of this thread we carry within, weaving us together with all that is and ever was. Help us continue to walk in beauty.
OPENING SONG: Let the Land Sing
Where are we going to?
Where did we come from?
What does it mean to all be bones under the same ol’ sun?
I’ve always been, always been right here…
Refrain: So let the land sing through you,
Like the rolling holy.
Let the land sing through you,
Like the rolling holy.
Trees my lungs, mist my breath,
That moon is blooming in my chest.
Courage, my love, your roots grow deep,
Down deep.
Scrambled stardust and mud
make up my own bones and blood
I’ve always been, always been right here…
And then they came with their torches and their guns,
And so my friends gathered one by one by one by one.
I asked the spider how she weaves her web,
And she replied my dear, “Thread by thread by thread by thread.”
Like ancestors with songs in their packs,
And they became us track by track by track by…
What is the mud that made you?
I love the mud that made you.
What is the mud that made you?
Refrain 2xs
FIRST READING: Thich Nhat Hanh
Each time my feet touched the earth I knew my mother was there with me. I knew this body was not mine alone but a living continuation of my mother and my father and my grandparents and great-grandparents. Of all my ancestors. These feet that I saw as ‘my’ feet were actually ‘our’ feet. Together my mother and I were leaving footprints in the damp soil.
From that moment on, the idea that I had lost my mother no longer existed. All I had to do was look at the palm of my hand, feel the breeze on my face or the earth under my feet to remember that my mother is always with me, available at any time. . . Pay attention to all the leaves, the flowers, the birds, and the dewdrops. If you can stop and look deeply, you will be able to recognize your beloved one manifesting again and again in many forms.
O Beauty, open my lips, and my mouth will declare your praise. (Repeat)
PSALM 148, 149, 150: May We Rise
Alleluia, praise our Maker
Alleluia, one and all
May God fill our lives with pleasures
May we rise and never fall
Gather round and sing together
All God’s people, where you are
Sun and moon and stars about you
Heaven and earth will praise our God
Alleluia, praise our Maker
Alleluia, one and all
May God fill our lives with pleasures
May we rise and never fall
Play your pipes and play your whistle
Play your harp and string and drum
Raise your voice with grateful singing
Every breath shall praise our God
Alleluia, praise our Maker
Alleluia, one and all
May God fill our lives with pleasures
May we rise and never fall
From the depths and from the heavens
Fiery storms and bitter snows
All creation will adore you
You are God forevermore
Alleluia, praise our Maker
Alleluia, one and all
May God fill our lives with pleasures
May we rise and never fall
Sing a new song with thanksgiving
To the God who’s with us now
Praise our God with joy and dancing
For God loves us, one and all
Alleluia, praise our Maker
Alleluia, one and all
May God fill our lives with pleasures
May we rise and never fall
May we rise and never fall
Glory to the Maker, Lover, and Keeper; as ago, in this breath, and will be ever. Amen, Amen.
Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth?
Tell me, if you have understanding.
Who determined its measurements—surely you know!
Or who stretched the line upon it?
On what were its bases sunk,
or who laid its cornerstone
when the morning stars sang together
and all the heavenly beings shouted for joy?
God in and of All, a poem by Edna St. Vincent Millay says, “I can push the grass apart, and lay my finger on thy heart.” How beautiful it is to find you both in the dark earth, and in the dark matter of the universe. How excellent to know that you are in all things, and I am in you. I praise you for your magnificence, on earth and in the heavens.
Sung Response O God of Love, you shimmer in the stones.
You Who Shimmers, when you said love one another, you meant for us to love each other without exception. None are excluded from your love, therefore we must love without exception, including those we don’t like. We must love those whose ideologies differ from ours, those whose lifestyles we don’t understand, and whose behavior we don’t approve of. If we can know you are All in All, help us to see the shimmer in each other and all beings, even when the shine is dull to our eyes.
Sung Response O God of Love, you shimmer in the stones.
Ancient Spirit, we are the dream of the ancestors. We are the ones they waited for. What opportunities are available to me that they were denied? A world of knowledge is at my fingertips. The old ways reimagined with technology and hindsight are available to me. It seems too much at times. Despite the many gifts we have available to us, we have made a mess of things. We have injured the planet, our animal and plant kin, and ourselves. Most of all we need to love each other and recognize we are all connected, and bring your healing grace.
Sung Response O God of Love, you shimmer in the stones.
Please add the prayers you are longing to express.
Sung Response O God of Love, you shimmer in the stones.
CLOSING SONG: Now I Walk in Beauty (Diné Navajo Prayer)
Now I walk in beauty
Beauty is before me
Beauty is behind me
Above and below me.
A Blessing for Deep Time
This blessing shimmers across the ages,
from the ancestors of stone and stars
there is a sacred thread connecting us
to the first moments of everything.
Millions of years
of unfolding, shaping, emerging, adapting,
you are made from the embers of galaxies.
Limestone holds remains of ancient seabeds,
fossils embedded in stones beneath us.
You are part of the Earth lineage,
your body an ecosystem of ancestors
forming a web of ancient life.
See your loved ones
still speak in leaf and loam,
in gills and granite,
in water and on the uplift of wings.
This blessing is an anchor in eternity,
in the ancient wisdom arising
from everything that is alive,
primordial fire pulsing through us,
the origin of love.
Credits: All songs and texts used with permission
Opening Prayer: Written by Christine Valters Paintner
Opening Song: Let the Land Sing by Lydia Violet from the album The Love of Thousands: Singing with Angels, Saints, and Ancestors
First Reading: Thich Nhat Hanh, No Death, No Fear: Comforting Wisdom for Life. Riverhead Books (2002) page 4-5.
Sung Psalm Opening and Doxology: Richard Bruxvoort Colligan from the album Monk in the World: Songs for Contemplative Living
Psalm Version: Tune: Happy Are We All Together, Words: Kiran Young Wimberly © 2022, from the album May We Rise
Second Reading: Job 38:4-7 (NRSV)
Prayers of Concern: Written by Claudia Love Mair
Sung Response: Words by Abbey Dream Team. Music by Betsey Beckman. Arranged and performed by Alexa Sunshine Rose and Simon de Voil © 2023
Closing Song: Now I Walk in Beauty Diné Navajo Prayer sung by Lorraine Bayes from the album Earth, Our Original Monastery: Singing Our Way to the Sacred
Closing Blessing: Written by Christine Valters Paintner to companion her book The Love of Thousands : How Angels, Saints, and Ancestors Walk with Us Toward Holiness (used with permission from Ave Maria Press)
Please note: All of the songs and prayer responses are published on CDs in the Abbey of the Arts collection. In addition, these songs & responses have accompanying gesture prayers and/or dances created by Betsey Beckman that can be found on the corresponding DVD (each album has a DVD companion). Audio and video recordings of the Prayer Cycles are available at
Evening Prayer: The Love of Thousands
Video podcast coming in Fall 2024
We call upon the Beloved, the angels, saints, and ancestors to ground us each day in their expansive love. This love of thousands embraces us, uplifts us, guides us, and consoles us on the many paths we travel. We celebrate our own holiness and the holiness of all we encounter, knowing Love calls us into the great dance.
OPENING SONG: Holy Holy Holy
We are holy, holy, holy,
We are holy, holy, holy,
We are holy, holy, holy,
We are whole.
O Beauty, open my lips, and my mouth will declare your praise. (Repeat)
PSALM 136: God’s Love Endures
Give thanks unto the God of gods
God’s love endures forever
Give thanks unto the Lord of lords
God’s love endures forever
Who made the sun to rule the day
God’s love endures forever
The moon and stars to rule the night
Give thanks to God
The God of heaven
God’s love endures forever
Let us thank the Lord, for God is good
God’s love endures forever
Who delivered Israel from Pharaoh’s hand
God’s love endures forever
And led them into the promised land
God’s love endures forever
Who remembers us when we’re cast down
God’s love endures forever
And delivers us from every harm
God’s love endures forever
Give thanks to God
The God of heaven
God’s love endures forever
Let us thank the Lord, for God is good
God’s love endures forever
Glory to the Maker, Lover, and Keeper; as ago, in this breath, and will be ever. Amen, Amen.
Walking, I can almost hear the redwoods beating. And the oceans are above me here, rolling clouds, heavy and dark. It is winter and there is smoke from the fires. It is a world of elemental attention, of all things working together, listening to what speaks in the blood. Whichever road I follow, I walk in the land of many gods, and they love and eat one another. Suddenly all my ancestors are behind me. Be still, they say. Watch and listen. You are the result of the love of thousands.
I am here waiting for you.
I am here listening for you.
I am here praying for you.
I am here hoping for you.
I am here singing for you.
A Blessing of the Love of Thousands
May the Beloved,
whose delight is imprinted on every cell,
let love seize us, shake us, awaken us
to a new world and way of being.
Let this joy open your palms
to say yes to what comes,
to love the world
with all your heart, mind, and soul.
This blessing lifts the veil between worlds,
and attunes you to the presence of the invisible,
so you see the angels, saints, and ancestors
showering their love freely to sustain and inspire you.
May you receive their love notes
in dreams, synchronicities, intuition,
the knowing of the body and heart.
May they reveal the jewels hidden in the wounds
when love opens our tender places.
May they help you remember
you are never alone, but always breathing
with a multitude, a throng of lovers.
Feel their primal force
tethering you to the cord of love
running through generations
Binding you in union to all there is,
all there ever was,
and all that is yet to come.
Credits: All songs and texts used with permission
Opening Prayer: Written by Christine Valters Paintner
Opening Song: Holy Holy Holy by Karen Drucker from the album The Love of Thousands: Singing with Angels, Saints, and Ancestors
Sung Psalm Opening and Doxology: Richard Bruxvoort Colligan from the album Monk in the World: Songs for Contemplative Living
Psalm Version: Tune: Bold Riley, Words: Kiran Young Wimberly © 2018, from the album Rest in the Shelter
Reading of the Night: Linda Hogan, Dwellings: A Spiritual History of the Living World. Simon and Schuster (1996) page 159.
Closing Song: I Am Here by Deirdre Ní Chinnéide from the album The Soul’s Slow Ripening: Songs for Celtic Seekers
Closing Blessing: Written by Christine Valters Paintner to companion her book The Love of Thousands : How Angels, Saints, and Ancestors Walk with Us Toward Holiness (Ave Maria Press)
Please note: All of the songs and prayer responses are published on CDs in the Abbey of the Arts collection. In addition, these songs & responses have accompanying gesture prayers and/or dances created by Betsey Beckman that can be found on the corresponding DVD (each album has a DVD companion). Audio and video recordings of the Prayer Cycles are available at