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Day 2: Wrestling with Angels & We Are All Called to be Saints

Video, Audio and Written Guides for Morning and Evening Prayer

Morning Prayer: Wrestling with Angels

Video podcast coming in Fall 2024

We pray this morning for those times when we are called to wrestle with an angel, sometimes in a dream, sometimes through a life challenge. Help us to discern when the Holy One is moving us beyond our comforts and patterns to enlarge us so that we might ask for the blessing and new name we desire.

OPENING SONG: A New Name (Jacob’s Round)
Alone and afraid through the dark night
Wrestling with strength that won’t let go.
As long as it takes, ’til morning breaks: a new name.

FIRST READING: Rainer Maria Rilke
The One Who Beholds
What we defeat are small things,
and this success makes us small.
The eternal and immense
does not want to be bent by us.
This is the Angel who appeared
to the wrestlers of the Hebrew Scriptures:
when his adversaries’ sinews
stretched long like steel in battle,
he felt them beneath his fingers
like the strings of low melodies.

Whoever was overcome by this Angel,
who so often refrains from fighting,
they walk away upright and lifted
made great by that hard hand,
nestling and shaping them.
Victories do not tempt them.
Their way to grow: being utterly defeated
by the eternally greater being.

O Grace, open my lips, and my mouth will declare your praise. (Repeat)

PSALM 130: From the Depths I Cry to You
From the depths I cry to you, O God
Lord, listen to my voice
From the depths I cry to you, O God
Please listen to my prayer
For if you should mark iniquity
O Lord, who could stand?
But with God, forgiveness can be found
I wait in stillness for the Lord
And in God’s word do I hope
More than those who watch for morning’s light
More than those who watch for morning’s light
Trust in God, you people, Israel
Who redeems you from sin
For with God, forgiveness can be found
My heart’s not lifted up, O Lord
Nor my eyes raised too high
I do not think on things too great
I have calmed and quieted my soul
Like a child with mother quieted
My soul is at rest
For with God, forgiveness can be found

Glory to the Maker, Lover, and Keeper; as ago, in this breath, and will be ever. Amen, Amen.

SECOND READING: Genesis 32:22-28
The same night he got up and took his two wives, his two maids, and his eleven children and crossed the ford of the Jabbok. He took them and sent them across the stream, and likewise everything that he had. Jacob was left alone, and a man wrestled with him until daybreak. When the man saw that he did not prevail against Jacob, he struck him on the hip socket, and Jacob’s hip was put out of joint as he wrestled with him. Then he said, “Let me go, for the day is breaking.” But Jacob said, “I will not let you go, unless you bless me.” So he said to him, “What is your name?” And he said, “Jacob.” Then the man said, “You shall no longer be called Jacob, but Israel, for you have striven with God and with humans and have prevailed.”


Holy One, the night is so long and the trials full of pain. Bless us during these times of struggle so we may prevail knowing that your Grace is with us all the while and we are not alone. The trials of life have shaped us as surely as the triumphs and joys. Help us forgive those who have wounded us. Help us forgive ourselves when we have wounded others. And open your arms wide so we may run to the shimmering presence of your love.

Sung Response O God of Love, walk with us through all things.

Godde of Outcasts, you call us to love all who live on the margins, just as Jesus did. Open our minds and our hearts to the stories, struggles, and triumphs of those we call “other” and recognize them as beloved by You. We know this work of facing our wounded and wounding places is like wrestling with angels – those beings who know our full capacity for love. Strike open our hearts so we may stand with people of all colors and creeds, amplifying the voices of those who have been silenced and ignored. Give us the grace to live in love.

Sung Response O God of Love, walk with us through all things.

Godde of Loving Care, this is not fair. Countries are at war, families ripped apart, children left orphans and parents left without their children. Famine, oppression, ecological disaster, abuse, and derision. We wrestle with these realities just as surely as we wrestle with the Love that holds it all. Soften us so we may respond with compassion. Give our hurting world a new name, and may that name be the fulfillment of Hope Everlasting.

Sung Response O God of Love, walk with us through all things.

Please add the prayers you are longing to express.

Sung Response O God of Love, walk with us through all things.

CLOSING SONG: Calling All Angels
Calling all angels here to guide you.
Calling all angels to surround you.
Calling all angels to walk beside you.
Love, may you walk on solid ground.

A Blessing for Wrestling with Angels
You have known
the long nights of wrestling
with mysterious beings,
your breath hard and fast,
your heart pounding
like furious wings.

The dark seems to stretch forever
and you wonder how long
you will be in the grip
of this powerful stranger,
how long you will have to hold on.

Then slowly the black pool above you
gives way to violet, fuchsia, tangerine
and you feel your hip wounded,
throbbing, pulsing with pain,
know you will be limping
for many years to come,
but before letting go
you make your demand:

Bless me, your voice thunders
and the being erupts into golden light
so glad that you had finally asked.
A new name sings out through the ether
like the most exquisite melody,
a chant for the new season ahead,
a name which reminds you of the long night
and how you would not relent,
how courage and hope and stubbornness
carried you through.

May you find endurance
when you are lost and disoriented,
may your wounds be reminders
of your willingness to struggle,
may you demand a blessing
as light begins its breaking,
and may your new name
call forth the gifts already inside you,
an offering of love to others
still wrestling in the dark.



Credits: All songs and texts used with permission

Opening Prayer: Written by Christine Valters Paintner

Opening Song: A New Name (Jacob’s Round) by Richard Bruxvoort Colligan from the album The Love of Thousands: Singing with Angels, Saints, and Ancestors

First Reading: Translation of Rainer Maria Rilke’s poem “Der Schauende,” from his Book of Images, by Christine Valters Paintner and Katharina Resch

Sung Psalm Opening and Doxology: Richard Bruxvoort Colligan from the album Monk in the World: Songs for Contemplative Living

Psalm Version: Tune: The Quiet Land of Erin, Words: Kiran Young Wimberly © 2015, from the album Celtic Psalms Vol. 2

Second Reading: Genesis 32:22-28 (NRSV)

Prayers of Concern: Written by Melinda Thomas

Sung Response:  Words by Abbey Dream Team. Music by Betsey Beckman. Arranged and performed by Alexa Sunshine Rose and Simon de Voil  © 2023

Closing Song:  Calling All Angels by MaMuse from the album The Love of Thousands: Singing with Angels, Saints, and Ancestors

Closing Blessing: Written by Christine Valters Paintner to companion her book The Love of Thousands : How Angels, Saints, and Ancestors Walk with Us Toward Holiness (Ave Maria Press)

Please note: All of the songs and prayer responses are published on CDs in the Abbey of the Arts collection. In addition, these songs & responses have accompanying gesture prayers and/or dances created by Betsey Beckman that can be found on the corresponding DVD (each album has a DVD companion).  Audio and video recordings of the Prayer Cycles are available at

Evening Prayer: We Are All Called to Be Saints

Video podcast coming in Fall 2024

St. Paul wrote that we are all “called to be holy” and theologian Karl Rahner wrote that “The Christian of the future will be a mystic, or (they) will not exist at all.” As we gather for evening prayer help us to reflect on the ways we have lived in ways that reflect who we truly are, created in the image of God and following in the witness of the saints.

OPENING SONG: Litany of the Saints
Saint ________
Bless us with ________
Response: Stand with us, pray for us.

Beloved Ancestors,
Bless me with your kindness.
Response: Stand with us, pray for us.

O Grace, open my lips, and my mouth will declare your praise. (Repeat)

PSALM 8: Majestic is Your Name
Majestic is your name, O God
Your name in all the earth
Majestic is your name, O God
Your name in all the earth
When I see the work of your fingers
The moon, the stars, the sun
All things on earth are in their place
Majestic is your name
Majestic is your name, O God
Your name in all the earth
Majestic is your name, O God
Your name in all the earth
Who are mortals that you consider
Or that you think of them
They are underneath the angels
Majestic is your name
Majestic is your name, O God
Your name in all the earth
Majestic is your name, O God
Your name in all the earth
You have placed creation in our care
All that has life and breath
May we show respect and dignity
Majestic is your name

Glory to the Maker, Lover, and Keeper; as ago, in this breath, and will be ever. Amen, Amen.

It is true to say that for me sanctity consists in being myself, and for you sanctity consists in being yourself, and that in the last analysis your sanctity will never be mine, and mine will never be yours, except in the community of charity and grace. For me to be a saint means to be myself. Therefore the problem of sanctity and salvation is in fact the problem of finding out who I am, and of discovering my true self.


CLOSING SONG: All Shall Be Well (Julian of Norwich)
All shall be well, all shall be well,
All matter of things shall be well.
All shall be well, all shall be well,
All matter of things shall be well.

Rest in my embrace, my beloved, all is well.
Sleep in safety,
Let your cares melt away.
Place your heart in my embrace.

A Blessing to Become Yourself
This blessing sits in the quiet moments with you
and blesses the longings you feel,
stretching forth toward a vast presence,
a desire to know yourself as holy.
It whispers Merton’s reminder:
to be a saint is to be yourself
and each day you try to release
all that is false and untrue.

Some days you know what it is
to see love everywhere,
to be astounded by the way light shifts,
to feel your heart lifted with a flock of swans
to rest in the smile of a loved one,
to know aliveness in the pulsing of blood
or in spring’s explosion of color.
Some days it is the silence of the heart
and the fertile darkness which kindles love.
These memories become manna,
the sustenance that carries you forward
when life aches, when everything is raw,
or when you’ve lost feeling altogether.
They are like a muscle strengthened
so when you find a mountain ahead,
you know you will climb slowly, step by step.

This blessing comes like a summons,
so that when you encounter cruelty,
you shower kindness,
when you are met with greed
you shower generosity and service,
and when the world feels filled with hatefulness,
Love arises from every aspect of who you are.

You walk through this life with open hands,
your doubts, hopes, despair, grief, anger,
joy, the not knowing all welcome,
but you let Love be your compass,
let it guide you toward a more beautiful world
which you build with kindred spirits,
moment by moment, always unfolding,
both incomplete and fully here all at once.



Credits: All songs and texts used with permission

Opening Prayer: Written by Christine Valters Paintner

Opening Song: Litany of the Saints by Betsey Beckman from the album The Love of Thousands: Singing with Angels, Saints, and Ancestors

Sung Psalm Opening and Doxology: Richard Bruxvoort Colligan from the album Monk in the World: Songs for Contemplative Living

Psalm Version: Tune: Far, Far Beyond Yon Mountains, Words: Kiran Young Wimberly © 2022, from the album Celtic Psalms: May We Rise.

Reading of the Night: Thomas Merton, New Seeds of Contemplation. New Directions (2007) page 31

Closing Song: All Shall Be Well (Julian of Norwich) by Kathryn Christian from the album The Love of Thousands: Singing with Angels, Saints, and Ancestors

Closing Blessing: Written by Christine Valters Paintner to companion her book The Love of Thousands : How Angels, Saints, and Ancestors Walk with Us Toward Holiness (Ave Maria Press)

Please note: All of the songs and prayer responses are published on CDs in the Abbey of the Arts collection. In addition, these songs & responses have accompanying gesture prayers and/or dances created by Betsey Beckman that can be found on the corresponding DVD (each album has a DVD companion).  Audio and video recordings of the Prayer Cycles are available at