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Category: Women on the Threshold


Thresholds: “It is not too late”

You see, I want a lot. Perhaps I want everything: the darkness that comes with every infinite fall and the shivering blaze of every step up. . . You have not grown old, and it is not too late to dive into your increasing depths where life calmly gives out its own secret. —Rainer Maria Rilke, from Selected Poems of Rainer Maria Rilke, trans. by Robert Bly I wanted to repeat that last stunning stanza of Rilke’s poem to you. Just to be certain you didn’t skim over those words: “You have not grown old, and it is not too

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Women on the Threshold: Dana Reynolds (Part 1)

Dana Reynolds is one of my amazing co-collaborators for this upcoming journey Women on the Threshold, and reflects here on her own experience of thresholds in waking from dreams, the seasons of the day and year, and a personal threshold . . . give yourself the gift of just under four minutes to experience Dana’s soulfulness and wisdom: Dana Reynolds Threshold Moments Join us for Women on the Threshold.  Make space to nurture your own call across the threshold.  Let yourself be companioned on this path.  There is now an even more affordable option for participating. Make sure to stop

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Women on the Threshold: Ronna Detrick (Part 2)

This is a guest post from Ronna Detrick, one of my fabulous co-creators and collaborators on the upcoming Women on the Threshold program.  Ronna lives in the Pacific Northwest, so it was an absolute delight to get to meet her in person before I left for Vienna.  I knew as we shared dreams together that afternoon, that partnering would be necessary soon, to see what the Spirit might give birth too when we brought our gifts together.  So I was thrilled when she responded with an enthusiastic yes to my invitation to join me in this special offering. Here is

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Thresholds: “Infinitely Enlarge Your Life”

And you wait, you wait for that one thing that will infinitely enlarge your life; the gigantic, the stupendous, the awakening of stones, depths turned round toward you. The volumes bound in rust and gold flicker dimly on the shelves; and you think of lands traveled across, of paintings, of the clothes of women found and lost. And then suddenly you know: it was then. You rise, and before you stands the fear and prayer and shape of a vanished year. —Rainer Maria Rilke, “Memory” translated by Edward Snow Dear soul friends and kindred spirits, I am grateful to one of

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Women on the Threshold: Ronna Detrick (Part 1)

Ronna Detrick is one of my fabulous co-collaborators for this upcoming journey Women on the Threshold, and reflects here on her own experience of thresholds and how transition is so often the experience of women. . . take just two minutes to experience Ronna’s beautiful energy and enthusiasm: Thresholds from Ronna Detrick on Vimeo. Join us for Women on the Threshold.  Step into the conversation with us.  Let yourself be companioned on this path.  There is now an even more affordable option for participating.

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Listening (and Responding) to the Spirit – new option for Women on the Threshold!

One of the great gifts of this upcoming Women on the Threshold program is the opportunity for wondrous phone calls I have had the privilege of sharing with Trish, Ronna, and Dana, as part of our planning for this program.  Something magical happens when women collaborate together and help to make space for the Spirit to move.  Sometimes you can’t be afraid to shift course mid-stream. We have had great response to our fall experience, and we have also had women who either don’t have the resources for the full program with the small group spiritual direction component, or who

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