One of our Wisdom Council members, Lita Quimson, is now fully trained as a supervisor of spiritual directors. She finished an 18-month training in the practice of supervision of spiritual directors early in 2021. She can be contacted by email. Her fee is 20 € for each hour long session zoom. She is based in the Philippines. What is Supervision and Whom is it For? Supervision is a form of accompaniment for Spiritual Directors who want to learn about their skills as someone who accompanies others. Accompaniment is not an easy task because people are complicated and we feel either
I am delighted to share another beautiful submission to our Monk in the World guest post series from the community. Read on for Tom (TA) Delmore’s reflection taken from the introduction to his book Crossing up River. A children’s story which is only enjoyed By children is a bad children’s story. ~ C. S. Lewis I have been a shy searcher for a relationship with God most of my life. Different paths have taught me much. This is God and I walking together. St Ignatius of Loyola taught me something about story. He said: “put yourself in the gospel story, imagine what it
[siteorigin_widget class=”SiteOrigin_Widget_Button_Widget”][/siteorigin_widget] St. Julian and the Cat Stone by stone the wall grew until her cell was sealed, light blocked except for three small windows – one for sacrament another, food and waste a third to give guidance. Each day brought dozens to her praying for their sick and dead, night became time of solace and silence, she could not sleep long in the damp, pulled wool close around her as she sighed into the dark, relief at quiet moments. Then came mewing, leaping, pouncing, the cat left there to catch rats, at first annoyed at disruption she soon found