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Abbey Bookshelf: Confession and Conversion Edition

On Monday I received a very disheartening email.  The bookstore at the Graduate Theological Union where I did my graduate studies will be closing its doors.  They simply can’t keep up with online retailers anymore.  It is such a fine source of theological resources and the fact that a university bookstore can’t stay open is very sad to me indeed. I think even sadder to me right now is recognizing my own culpability in this.  I buy a lot of books, and I buy most of them through Amazon.  I wholeheartedly believe in supporting independent bookstores and have often thought I would be

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Abbey Bookshelf: Poetry Writing Edition

I adore poetry and often find it to be a source of profound wisdom as valuable to me as other sacred texts. I sometimes write them myself and post them, although they often stay tucked in the pages of my journal. I love to lead poetry-writing exercises in some of my retreat and training programs, and of course I adore hosting the Poetry Parties here at the Abbey where you, my splendidly creative readers, share your own poetic gifts so generously with me. I’m feeling inspired to make poetry-writing a more sustained practice in my quiet moments, so I am pulling some good books off of my

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Abbey Bookshelf: Creative Inspiration Edition

How refreshing a Sabbath day can be.  I feel a little more spaciousness in my soul, more light-heartedness about the work I still have to do. I spent much of the day lounging in pajamas and reading through some books I have had sitting on my shelf calling to me. (Does it count as work if the fruits of my lounging ends up here in this week’s edition of the Abbey Bookshelf?) :-) First, I found these delightful art journals at the website of Teesha Moore.  Teesha is the person behind ArtFest held each April in Port Townsend.  I had never been before and last

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Keep the Poems Coming!

Thanks to everyone who has submitted their poems already for the Poetry Party!  11 participants on the very first day is a great showing.  Make sure to scroll down or click here to see the fun.  And make sure to check out Annie Thorndike’s wonderful poem, I think our youngest ever participant at the age of 9.  Annie is the daughter of Rebecca who participated in our recent Awakening the Creative Spirit program.  Remember you have until Friday to share your poems here and then I’ll draw one person’s name to win a small prize. In light of our celebration

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Abbey Bookshelf (pre-Advent edition)

Advent begins a week from today and it is one of my favorite liturgical seasons in the Christian tradition.  Advent begins the new church year and is a season about waiting, preparing, and birthing.  It also occurs at one of my favorite times of year, this slow descent toward winter and the solstice.  This autumn was beautiful in the Northwest, and I kept thinking maybe it was my favorite season, but these last couple of weeks the trees are revealing in their essence again and those bare branches and the sun low in the sky make my heart dance (and I

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Holy Feasting

***Make sure you go visit this week’s Poetry Party***  Your poems this week about hidden rooms are as evocative and amazing as ever.  Click the link above and continue to submit them and I’ll keep adding them! Early this past summer I had another dream about a hidden room:  My husband and I move into a new apartment which is much smaller than the one we live in now.  We are having dinner guests over and I’m not sure where they will sit.  I open a door I hadn’t tried before and behind it I find this large room decorated with antique furniture and

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Wisdom of the Sand

(I believe this photo is of otter prints I discovered in the sand, I have only seen these wonderful creatures fleetingly. The photo below is of Tune’s paw prints.) One of the great gifts of my time at the hermitage is being able to walk along the beach at low tide.  Because the tides shift from day to day I keep a tide table to guide me each day as to when I can break from my work and allow the words and images that have been swirling around my mind to settle into my body.  A walk always brings me some

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